Thursday, January 08, 2004

Hi y'all. You know what's sweet? I just took on 8 computers on Starcraft and i was zergy poo. I'm very bad with zerg so i thought it was pretty sweet. Oh yeah i did it twice :). Achievements. I also just finished my report. That's pretty sweet. School... what is there to say except that i have to go to it tomorrow and then i have weekend, then back to the grindstone. More then the grindstone... i have a semester final in science. that's the only final though so that's good. we get to use our notebook. This weekend is gonna suck cause i'm gonna' work on my Family Tree Project for Global Studies. Viper is a cool name. If my name was Viper... my name would be Viper. My family tree project is pretty easy for me because like my whole family is a family history buff. I'll probably be like that when i'm all grown up. IT's a scary thought... *shiver
*. Monkeyer is also a cool word. I'm gonna' name my dog Comit. Do you know what i'm watching yet? well look at the time, and you'll figure it out. Maybe, because there are lots of channels. Ouchy... trycicles hurt if you trip on them. hmmmm a guy named Viper... or a geeky guy that's sweet... and has lots of cash coming out of his butt. I'm gonna stop talking about that show now. I think i figured out what i would like to be when i grow up. Now when people ask me, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" It would be strange if they did... but i could answer them. I'm out of here so God bless.

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