Friday, January 30, 2004

A little birdie said that wasn't the case

What's up with that old thingy. Phrase there we go. A little birdie told me. Wonder where that came from. I wonder if a birdie really told them. A little birdie told me nothing. Actually i just felt like saying that cause it's a lyric in a song by Toby Mac. I forget the song name. Anyways me and Charles were debating how to spell "possum". It is really spelt opossum. but for short people spell it possum. I wonder what my blog would look like if i had no delete key. I'm going to try that one day. Take out my delete key and blog and see how many times i mess up. I only messed up once in that one sentece and none in this one until i got to this. Furry is your cool word for the day. Tell your friends that it is cool to say furry. Oh Montain Dew tastes really good. I've been drinking Pepsi Vannila but now i decided that i am going to drink Mountain Dew again. It's really good. If you don't know, I've been playing Super Mario 64! I like to play it a lot. Haven't beaten it yet but I'm almost done with the Third floor. And i have about 70+ stars. I have 2 stages left on the 3rd floor i think. Then up to the top of the stairs where a star door is. I'm going in order so yeah. I could've opened up The last star door even before i played any stages in the basement. Yeah i have gotten a lot of stars. Wait. I couldn't have but after the 1st stage in the basement i could've. Yes I'm that good and this is my first time playing it. Gotten all 7 stars in every stage, except one. That one is a pain to get 100 coins in. I don't like to try to fly at a small precise spot in the sky like for coins. I still am working on one, but all i need is the 100 coins but that shouldn't be to hard on this one cause there is no floating coins in the air. I've gotten 50 in that one already, but i need to get those 50 plus some other 50. I'm probably not making since anymore. Bobcats Hockey tonight. Oh it is fun to watch Bobcats hockey live i tell you what. Ah who knew that people getting beat up and people on skates scoring goals would be so exciting. I don't know why but it is and i like. Some words to the wise if you want or need some... AND IT'S FREE! You may be wise beyond your shoe size. Just because you are such a good adience for listening to me a lot, here's another one. To err is human- to really screw up requires a computer. Oh yes hard bubble gum does give great advice... i mean i do. Don't for get to pray for Charle's friend.
From the Roy G. Biv

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