Wednesday, January 28, 2004

I'll give you a quarter

I'll give you a quarter if you contribute 50 cents or more to the "Computer Monitor for Roy" Fund. I only need $97. It's a nice one. Its a black flat screen monitor. Or i could go for the other one for 105 dollars. they are practicly the same. It is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very cold. I mean its 18 below 0 here and the wind chill is -40... yeah it's cold up here in No-Dak. I went to Wal-Mart today. Oh man i saw like 3 people having to jump start their cars in the parking lot. At least other people are nice enough to help them out. Such nice folks here in North Dakota. Oh chicken is very very good. I can't wait till it's done. yummy. mmmmm. The good news is that when my mom came to pick me up, my brother had come to pick me up as well.... so yesterday i had no one to pick me up, and today i had 2 people. Weird eh? I'm getting a CD burner on Friday hopefully. I'm so happy. It'll probably be used as like my main CD drive over my DVD drive. Although i have no CDs other then DVDs to put into my computer since my monitor is broken and i can't play the games that i own that uses CDs. Please contribute to the "Computer Monitor for Roy" fund. remember, all contritbutions over 50 cents receive a quarter. Offer not available in all areas. oh we got a new kitty box for my kitty BJ. Oh i think she hates it, mainly because my brother and I put her in it and it has a top and a kitty door on it and she didn't know how to work the kitty door. yeah we carried her around until she realized that that was a door. So she jumped out. It has a sifter thingy and 2 boxes so we will never have to scoop again. Wel im going to go eat so bye.

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