Sunday, February 29, 2004

God's Passion is the greatest

I just saw The Pasion of Christ today. And I was without words. I knew that it was going to be bloody and graphic, but I wasn't prepared for this. I mean just thinking of the Christ went through for me, you, everybody, people he didn't even know, people he knew would put him down. He went through that. Someone asked me if it was a tear jerker. Well, maybe if you thought of it as a movie with just actors and stunts, maybe it wouldn't be, but if you looked at it like i did, Christ being beaten, dropped, whipped with razor blades, nails driven through his hands and feet, hanging on the cross, all for me and you, then, yeah it is a tear jerker. I felt a tear when I watched him being beaten likie 60 times with a whip with razor blades on it, getting stuck into his side then being ripped out and thinking to myself, "that would hurt a lot; he did it cause he loves me". Jesus is God. He could have just had a quick and painless death, but he wanted to relate with me when i am thinking to myself "Man this really hurts God. You don't know how I feel." He can say "Yes i do know how you feel. I was hanging on the cross." I would highly suggest seeing this movie, but also see it as Christ doing this for you. I haven't blogged in a while. I don't remember if I blogged yesterday, but i went to guys night out friday night at our church and we had lots of fun playing video games, cutting our feet on snow that was ice pretty much, sword fighting, and staying up all night, (for those that did stay up anyways... I think like only 6 people made it through the night without any sleep. I was one of those people who stayed awake). Speaking of me staying awake... when i got home i went to bed and then 3 hours later my brother's girlfriend pumbles me while i am sleeping and i was awaken. I took a shower and all that cause it was 11:15 and we were going out to eat with my grandma and my aunt at 12. But my dad got a call that they would be an hour late, so i went back to bed for a half an hour and i was pumpled again by Kayla, my brother's girlfriend. I just sat on the couch for a half an hour stairing at nothing really wishing i could sleep. Then when my aunt and grandma got here we went to apple bee's and then we went home after we had eaten and i slept some more for like 3 hours then was naturally awakened and I ate, then went to the rock service at our church which was really really sweet and now I am rambling to you cause i just got tired and didn't feel like ending this really really long sentence and not sure if i am even typing anymore. I ended it finally. By the way, people are really funny when they are sleepy. If fact, we were so funny, charles decided to laugh at nothing, and he laughed really hard too. Oh yeah we also played capture the flag with a predator twist... except there was no predator really. But it was fun and our team was really good and Damian was so stealthy that no one noticed him go into the middle of a place where a person would see him, and infact there were lots of enemys in there, and they didn't see him and he picked up the flag. THough i found it first just needed some back up and we couldn't find damian. Man that guy is really stealthy. Damian though got confused an accidently brought the flag to the enemy flag taking spot... the place where the enemy is suppose to take our flag if they found it. Oh well it was fun. I still want damian on my team next time. Well i am going to go now because i am tired and i have to get up early tomorrow for that thing we all call school. Good bye.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Fear me for I am thee Red Dragon, Kinda like the Copper Dragon except I can beat the Copper Dragon! HAHAHA! ok

A RED Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon color is RED. Click here to try the Quiz!

My inner dragon is the most vile and crafty of all dragons. Remember Smaug? He was a red dragon, just like me! And just in case that's not cool enough for you, reds are Fire Elemental dragons, too. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

Yeah that was great. Red=good. Let's see. If you take the elements of blue and green I would say it would equal to red. sooooooooo... Blue+Green=Red. Hmmmmmm... yep i would say so. which would also mean that Red-Green=Blue.... no that doesn't even out. See because with that little bit of Copper thrown in there it would throw the whole balance of the equation off. Let me show you: Red=Copper+x. what "x" equals is beyound me. Let's see what it equals. If Red=blue+green and Red=copper+x, and copper=Lincoln+Statueofliberty, and We all know Lincoln= a simple log. Now Statueofliberty=France which is = Eifel tower= mad french people. Now mad french pleople usually=British which=america. America=eagle and eagle= america so they just plain equals out. Now with that in mind, red would actually look like this: Red=Blue+GreenX(copper+Lincoln+log+StatueofLiberty+France+EifleTower+MadFrenchPeople+British+America+Eagle)
That is your equation. confusing. Well let's walk away from Red. Lent. The time of year you should sacrifice something. I couldn't think of anything to sacrifice. I mean I could sacrifice video games, but i rarely play them anymore. I could sacrifice the computer but that wouldn't be much of one. I don't do much on the computer. I go to band websites and blog and that's all pretty much. The rest of the time im just sitting doing homework or watching TV and just sitting on MSN talking to no one. So that did something. TV. Yes i am sacrificing TV for Christ. I watch a whole lot of the TV I realize. so with that, Instead of watching TV waiting for my bed time, I can go straight into my Quiet Time with God. So that's going to be nice. Oh man we are watching this movie in Global called "Not without my daughter" and I want to like hit this father. see the movie is about this guy from Iran that is Living in america married to and american, and he decides he needs to go back back to Iran. The wife didn't want to go, and the husband is like "my sisiter is very sick" and he is a doctor. Anyways she says yes after he says just two weeks there. Now If you don't know much about muslim culture... then I'm not going to tell you because i would be typing a lot. If you do then you know what I am talking about sort of. They have a daughter that is 4 years old, and they take her. After the two weeks are over though, the father gets... Muslim. He doesn't want to go back to the States and wont let his daughter go either. Well the mom and the daughter both want to go but she wont go without the daughter. ANyways, she rebels against him. He like i said tuns Muslim. I can tell you that in Muslim, the women are... how do i say it... not really respected i guesse. Not really that but something like that. Well she goes to the Sweden exchange or something like that to try to get back to america. But without her Islam citizen husband, she can't go anywhere. The husband has complete control of her in other words. If they devorce, everything, including their daughter, goes to the father. Anyways she goes home and she gets beaten by her husband. Yeah... I was really mad. It was just a movie but it was based on a true story. She finally got out with her daughter by the way after like a year and a half. Ok if you want to know anymore... go rent the movie i guesse. It's an older movie from like the 80's. yep. I drained my typing now so you don't have to listen to me much longer. Ok words of wisdomnessnessness: "Don't be grumpy about sacrificing something. if you do that, you might as well not be sacrificing it at all." yep. bye bye.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


Yeah i figured that out a long time ago destroyer. THat CIA thing if any of you were wondering. I ment to put "Intelegence agency" which i don't have much of, and the "C" still stood for something else on his shirt. I forgot. If you are completely confused about what I am talking about, scroll down to "Quiero ser un duende" then go to destroyer's blog and read his "It's my birthday, I'll cry if i want to!" post thingy. bye
Ho Hum

Hello everybody! Yes I am in a happy mood. No homework, except math, but it's like 4 problems left and they are really easy. My computer area is clean. I mean i had a whole bunch of bazooka bubble gum wrappers lying around... now they are gone cause i moved them to the garbage which was overflowing to the point where I could've put another garbage on it. so I took the trash out. Now, there is room for my pop can... and a place to throw it away. Man my "down time" must be during math class or something. I mean I was so bored. I know how to do this stuff like i know... well something that I know very well like the back of my hand. I had a record of 7 minutes to do my assignment in class. I got 5 problems done in that time. I only have 4 left if i didn't say. It might be only 3. She just kept going over problems that were on the assignment from yesterday, and I was sitting there so bored. If i had a pillow, and lying down, I would be asleep within a minute. Plus when she gave the assignment(7 minutes left of class) It was what we have been doing for the past 3 days. Or I guesse since friday. I could've slept today and just have the assignment and know what to do. tired. My math teacher is a very good teacher. One of the best. The best math teacher of all time was Mr. Huber though, my 8th grade teacher. Actually, all my math teachers were good teachers at math. All my teachers this year are good teachers in what they do. Even that Mrs. Arman. She's good at teaching english, she just teaches it slow, which isn't bad. But she needs 100 minutes to teach it instead of the 50 minutes that she has. She's a slow writer when she is writing on the board. And she writes some sentences in cursive, some in regular print. She just kinda switches back and forth. In english someone gave a speech on "How to play dance dance revolution" that was great. It was my friend Greg. He loves that game a lot. He plays it everyday that he can. kinda scary actually. He has his own pad and DDRMU2 Or something like that. Dance dance revolution.... monkey urn 2... yeah i don't know wht that MU stands for. So he hooked it up and played it. The teacher was like "are you going to say how to play" and he did... just he told us that when the arrow goes to the top arrow you push that arrow and then played. It was funny. I don't mind that game and all, but i'm not very good at it. man that pillow is just sitting there doing nothing. I have this pillow that just sites in my room and does nothing on the floor. I use it very very very rarely. My friends use it when they sleep over. I spit all over my pillow when i sleep so they don't like that too much. I hate whent that happens. When you wake up and your face is all wet and there's just like slobber coming out your mouth. Ah it drys my night though. I'm going to try this new thing. Im going to light my perdy rock/white rock gliddery almost/pewitter candle thing. oh i forgot to add round prizm thing. Oh yeah im going to light that when i do my homework to make a more "calming" atmosphere. Oh I forgot to tell you that my fingy is not green anymore. In fact my fingy wasn't green anymore last Saturday. Yeah it was infected apparently. My mommy had to poke it with a needle, which didn't hurt, but when she rubbed the need across my finger to get the puss out... ouch that hurt a lot. It's been awhile since I've had a really really long mumble blog. Church tonight. Guys night out on Friday night. yes. My grandma comes on Saturday. yes. sad thing is that I am going to be sleeping a lot of saturday cause of staying up all night at guys night out. But on Sunday she gets to watch me bowl in my bowling tourny. and im going to wake up on saturday to go out for lunch with her. Well i drained myself from this long blog. Hmm words of wisdom. Let's see. I'm going to make this one a good one and not one that i just said because of something that i... oh nevermind i don't know what im saying. here it is though: "If rock is more sturdy than dirt, why don't be build there life house upon rock? build it upon God whom is the rock" Yep. Bye bye and letin sevices tonight. I'd go see the "Passion of Christ" the movie, too mabye some other day though, cause I'm going to lentin service and youth. But I'm... hmmmmmmmmm... I wonder when Pete is planning on taking us to that on Sunday. Hopefully It's not at 1:00 or maybe not 3:00 for I will be in a bowling tourney at 1:00 and I don't know how long it will take me to bowl. Ok bye.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Goats Milk and the man who blew up

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I was typing a good old blog when all of a sudden i apparently pushed the closed button. I was almost done and i don't remember pushing the closed button but apparently I did. It asked me if I wanted to continue or close. I pushed continue, but apparently that means close. It closed. Gosh. Im going to skip some stuff that i typed earlier. Gosh. Well Mrs. Arman is not the brightests person I guesse. SHe's like trying to make us do stuff on the board. That's fine, just that she hadn't taught us that yet... yeah that doesn't help. We told her hafter a couple of senteces of no sense. Yeah we told her, you didn't teach us this. And she's like "I didn't?" well duh. WHen you assign only our period to do speeches and it took 4 days. Goodness. Wierd thing is that we are only one day behind. What were the other classes doing... slacking off. I've had a great day today. Tomorrow feels like it will be a great day too. Well im going to go now with this small little note: "Assign speeches to all periods, not just one."

Monday, February 23, 2004

Greetings From Place

Yep that is very funny SBEmail. You know, this is the first time i really really really want to play some starcraft. i mean i want to really bad. But with this monitor in it's not workable form, it's not going to happen soon. I probably want to because I am reading the 3rd book in the Starcraft series. they are very good books. I have some homework to do so im going to go do what very soon. Hmmmmmm. My brother has this one monitor that i could use for the time being, but it only runs at 600x8hundredwhatever. Meaning what I usual have my monitor set at (1024x768) i can't use that. I don't know. I really like this resolution. I can't stand have that other resolution run. goodness i don't know what to do. I can either cope with this monitor, use our other monitor(it is very dark, so it isn't really an option), use my brothers and not have this resolution, or i could just switch between this and my brothers old one. I dunno. Or I could have someone buy me a new monitor... anyone? whatever. I think I'm going to do my homework cause i got a little bit. it's not really a lot. I have to finish mi casa for spanish and color it, so spanish tarea, and some math. "You have a gift; use it or get it taken away."

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Quiero ser un duende

I have no clue why i said "I want to be an elf" in spanish, but i did. I think i did because i just watched "Once upon a time in Mexico" and i am watching "Desperado" right now. Yeah it was funny cause Pete Jones asked me if i had watched "Desperado" before we watched "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" and i hadn't. And when i got home i noticed Deperado was on TV. So i am watching it. "Are you a Mexi"can" or a Mexi"can't"?" That is one of the best lines in Once upon a time in mexico. Although, I was really really sad when Johnny Depp had his eyes screwed out. I really thought that was unneccesary. That would really suck. I mean you are awake and looking right at the screw thing, and owie i can't finish. I am glad they didn't show the screwing of the eyes out, or the sound affects and/or blood. Johnny Depp was very great in that movie, and funny. He had the stupidest disguises. He is a CIA agent, and in one scene he is wearing a T-Shirt that says "CIA" and it said something else. gosh why can't i think of what it said. Something Investigation agency. Why can't I remember what it said for "C". Oh well. Yeah the movie people were kinda stupid cause in the deleted scenes they took out a scene that made a lot of since to this one part in the movie but they failed to put that scene in the movie. Well I'm going to go watch this movie so bye bye.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Ah sleepyness mixed with insanity =

Let's see, it's been awhile since i have blogged when i was really tired. It is only 11:10, but i am still tired so we will see what will happen. First off, old grandpa Ed will have to teach you a lession or two in monkeyphonics. Saltines and cheddar cheese. But make it bread. My arm still hurts, but i am on my computer now so i have a nice keyboard. I love my mommy. In english, we had to write a report on heros from North Dakota, and i couldn't think of any see. I mean I'm thinking my grandpa, but he has passed on and the person needs to be alive. I was thinking my dad, but he hasn't really inpacted the community. and some other people i considered, but i can't believe i bypassed my dear mommy. I mean she is super mom. She is a substitute teacher, and she works at a grocery store and sometimes she has to do both in one day. And she still finds time to have time to herself and to spend time with me. Lalalalalalalalala im tired. I finished my essay test for Global Studies today. I think i did pretty well on it. I have to bowl tomorrow. My finger is turing green. I think that is a bad sign. My finger has been hurting. I don't know why. I think it is because i peeled like a peice of skin that connected the side of my finger nail to the skin off. And it started hurting and still hurts and it's been a week or two. I have been puting band aids on it, but then my finger started turning green, and it still hurts, although it does feel better. 1859. What year is that? I dunno. IT'S GREEN, HOLY COW! I haven't tryed to bowl yet with it so i'll see if i can bowl with this important finger for bowling. I'm thinkin bout turing in for bed. This sleepyness is over coming me. I have to get up at 9 tomorrow for bowling. I never get to sleep in till noon it seems like except for when we have no school during the school week. Can't wait till summer. Oh wait, i have summer school... dang. But you never know i might not get into summer school, cause I'm taking biology, along with the whole free world at my school. I'm floating on a cloud i think. goodness gracious monkeys alive. thhhhhhhhhhhhh. ..................... I played bond. that was fun i guesse. I was playing this one thing, can i had to protect this one thing, and there was a sentinal (guided rocket launcher) and i just kept shooting rockets at the people who got near to the building I was on. The last round i went easy on them and used a sniper rifle. I ownedededededed. school is going really slow lately. 13.5 weeks left of school. The last 4.5 weeks have been really slow. well.... I... am... goingtogotosleep.
Red Letters

There is love in the red letters, truth in the red letters, hopeful to hopeless, peace and forgiveness, there is life, in the red letters. Those are lyrics from Red Letters by DC Talk. Their best CD was supernatural. In my opinion anyways. It's just a really great CD. I mean it sounds great and has a really really great message. I played my PS2 today. I don't play that a lot really. I usually have something to do. Well i was playing some Nightfire. That was fun. I also play some Splinter Cell, but this mission is really really really hard. I always fail it, cause some dude sets off an alarm while I go after the guy with the gun. It's a pain. I really hate this keyboard. It's hard to type with. It has sticky keys or something. I'm on our downstair computer. It's harder to type with. I went to a friends house yesterday. That was fun. We played some laser tag for their were 2 other friends there. We played a little bit in his basement, then it got darker, we played in his yard, then we played at Grimsrood School. When we were playing at his house, i saw this patch of ice, for i looked like water, but i knew it was ice. I was standing on it and i knew it was ice, then i saw an enemy, and i forgot it ice and tryed to turn around... my upper half of my body did... the other half... slid in the oppisite direction. I landed on my right shoulder and it hurts still. My thigh hurtededed too this moring but it doesn't now :). My shoulder really kinda hurts. I'm not quite sure what my brother did to this computer, but if you don't know this monitor on this computer is very dark and the brightness is all the way up and it's still dark. Well you can make it bright yet by going into the computer gamma settings, but now i can't get into that and now it's just plain dark. oooo ooo ooo. words of wisdom i have for ye. "When water freeze, remember it is ice... never forget that, and take caution." bye bye people of the internet.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

The Monky McMonk Monk Cried Wolf

I went to Rock 30 games today. I got a pretty sweet T-Shirt. Rock 30 Games is a great place to go for video games. All kinds except not computer games. But he has a lot of games. From the atari, to the PS2 to pretty much every system out there. I reall don't have much to say today. Although my fingy does hurt. I dunno why. It's strange. It hurts pretty bad. I might play some Unreal Tournament 2004 demo. I am going to buy that game when it comes out. Well im going to go play that so later monkey.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Sanity Exits out the Back Door of the thing we call: the Mind

All sense of sanity was all gone in that last post. Sadly i guesse, I am back with sanity. I needed to get that out of me. School was boring, although i gave a speech, and i might have said i didn't look forward to reading it. But reading it was really bad. I don't think it made sense when i read it. But i did demonstrate it really well. Goodness i have an essay test tomorrow in global. It's like 7 questions long, but the questions come from 2 really really long packets. I read one of the packets already,but that was the shorter one and it was interesting to the sense that history is interesting. But the other one... goodness gracious, it is really really really boring. i have 5 pages left, but they are long pages considering it is 25 pages long and all the pages are long. the good thing about this test is that it is open note, packet, anything, except things that i got from the internet which is nothing. I have all the questions, kinda, but they are in a different form on the test. I do not look forward to this test. It is a two day test so i can read the questions and then after the first day i can look and read again the answers. it is open packet though like i said. I don't understand why i think this is going to be hard. I guesse it is because half of the questions i don't even understand. The last question i really don't understand and is the longest and hardest. There are only 2 questions i don't understand now. so i know 5 out of 7 questions. Bob Saget is not the best in Full House, but he was really good in America's funniest home videos. Ah the good old days when they were really good. The new America's Funniest Home Videos are not very good. Bob had those special voices for the videos. There was a good one tonight with him. It was a video with this army dude, and anyways he used this army general voice saying "The Srgt. is going to teach you how to ride a camel" and then tthey dude in the background in their army uniforms the camel came under the dude and the dude was getting swung around on the camels neck. it was funny. you just had to be there. "Israel has a really really really long history and shouldn't ever have to be tested on in school, especially in essay form. Don't make a test on Israel, but go ahead and teach about it." why those are the words of wisdom... i dunno. I just have Israel on the brain. 5 pages left. I'm going to finish that.
Bonker Goes Bananas

By Monkey Man J Sudsn'Buff. It's a book in my world. What does this have to do with anything. Well I'll tell ye. He waded out into the ocean until all manner of sea creatures gathered. On the third moring he roped himself a couple of sea turtles. Tango Ted set his time machine for 2015. Tango Ted is a good dancer. Squeak Sqaump. The juffle of wallaby bill had to be taken to the garlic house on 124 North Panda Wolf Avenue. The gopher had a lump in his throat when he swallowed the elephant whole. Why'd Scamper cross the road? Cause he's cool. Why'd BJ cross the road? She's too fat to cross the road, but if she could it would be to get away from Charles. He feel. Yetti feel it. Why is big foot not feeling it? Jumble jumble jumble, I like the mummble of stumble stephen. I'll give you too peices of rabbit tail if you give me a squirl. Perrr brrrer. Sunka sunka sunka lampy, the catolagist. He speaks caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. jugjugjugjgugujgjgugugjjgjugu. army men of dooooooooooooooooooooom. Whoa. What eeeeeeees dat. *snort*. patuuueeee

Monday, February 16, 2004

I'm back...

I bet you just all were all sad that there were no really really long posts twice a day here at Well I'm back so wipe away those tears of sadness and let the tears of joy flow... yeah... i bet you are really like that. I really hate forward mail. I mean i opened one from a friend, and it's all sad and stuff, than they put at the end "if you don't send this to so many people, you will die!". or maybe it just says you will have bad luck. but it really takes away from the mood, and makes me not want to send it. although i did send one that was nice to get and it didn't have that on the end, so it was a nice one and i sent it. But of course Charles wont read it cause he doesn't read forwards. but if he does read this before he deletes it, read it charlie. It's nice. Well that is all foir now on my hatred of chainletters. I'm going to stop reading those from my friends that just sents it just because it told them too. I did like the ones that chane sent me though. they were really nice and none of that stupid "You're going to get bad luck" stuff on it. I'm going to eat at Red Lobster now.Sorry about bregging. I'm going to have Shrimp alfredo. mmmmmmmmm. Well you guys are probably starving for some words of wisdomness. well here's some: "If something says that you are going to get bad luck, turn ugly, die, not marry your crush etc., unless you send something to so many people, they are lying to you. Revolations, Revolations, 21:8, 21:8, liers go to hell, liers go to hell, burn burn burn, burn burn burn." I forget the tune that is suppose to go with that. Well I am going to go and send this to 1,000,000 people, or I will show up at your house tonight while eating a lobster tail.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Hi again

Oh goodness gracious. I must be the only person that blogs twice a day everyday. Well you won't have to worry now. I won't blog tomorrow, saturday, sunday, and I might on Monday though. (for i am leaving tomorrow right after school and coming back sometime late monday.) buh bye my people. Hope i don't die or something on the way. I won't die... unless one of you comes up and slits my throat while i'm watching a DVD or listening to my CDs. bye. Please don't do that to me... I'm scared... *bad scene of Blair Witch Project* They are coming... I don't know why... *not come off my nose and lands on the camera*... I didn't do anyting to them... I'm so scared.. *sniffle*... camera is dying.. just like me... help me... *camera dies*. I don't think that'll happen though. Bye this time for now.

A long time ago I had my Music Awards. Well number one was this guy. I didn't really give an explanation why though. So here is the dealio. He is a rapper (me like rap), and he is Christian (me really like dat). Anyways, let me give you some background on how much he loves God. His second album titled "Calaberations" (don't know how to spell that either, blame it on lazyness or *cough Arman*). On that CD he wrote a song called "Dear Slim". It was a letter in song form to no other then, Eminem. Anyways, he had a traveling pastor who got backstage of like the MTV Music Awards, and Eminem was there, and the pastor put the CD in his hands. So Eminem did get it, weather or not he listened to it, God only knows. The CDs name is spelt "Collaborations". Anyways in this song, the first verse, he talks about Eminem's songs and how he sounds different, apparently from Eminem's first album and stuff like that, and it sounded offensive to some Eminems listeners. In KJ's second verse he talks about how people say KJ sounds like Eminem (which is true) and KJ used to get mad about it, until on kid told him he used to listen to Eminem, but now got rid of it and listens to KJ now. Now that would sound offensive to Eminem people. KJ also said how they were alike in there past, (for KJ also is a white kid with devorced parents and a hard childhood). I'll wait to tell you about the third verse. Well KJ made a music video of this song, and tried to get it played on MTV. Well they finally did, but they only played like the 1st 2 verses and MTV said that KJ was nothing more than an Eminim smasher wanting to take the spotlight. KJ thought he would get a lot of hate mail in his Email. He only got 2 hate mail out of hundreds of email, and they said good stuff about him. I'll tell you why. The last verse says stuff how God loves even you Eminem. And a lot more but I would have to tell you the whole song. Go to if you want to hear the song or see the lyrics. It's amazing how God works. A lot of people were saved. On KJ's new album "It's pronounced five two" he talks how it's pronounced five two, not fifty two. He also talks about every situation there is pretty much, and that God still loves you. He talks about his parents devorcing, how he came to Christ. He has even a whole song about someone that sent an email to him saying that they were gonna kill themselves. They got saved and are alive. He talks about a lot of things. I HIGHLY suggest getting this CD. Just listen to some of his stuff even on his website. i blogged a lot about one thing. probably should've told you to listen to the song instead typing it out, but then again you wouldn't have gotten that info about the music video. Oh also on his new CD, he wrote a song called "Dear Slim Part II". I don't know if he gave it to Eminem yet. Well I'm going on to other business. I'm going to my grandma's house this weekend, in Montana. I love to see my grandma and love her a lot, but i feel really sick, and I have to sleep on the floor there, and all i wanna do is sleep. Good gollie. What i wouldn't give for just one day to be able to sleep in as long as i want in my bed. My church gave my brother a lot of candy. I don't really know why, and he doesn't really know either. I don't get my english teacher. I mean I'm in period 2 english, and she only gave period 2 this speech thing. Well it has been a month. I don't mind doing speeches, but i hate demonstration speeches. I wish i didn't have to do it. I have no clue why our class is the only class doing this speech. I don't think any of the other classes are because it took her like a month (I don't know why, it's only 25 kids and one page each. Shouldn't take more than a week to correct them). She's cookoo. I should sue. I finally found something good in this "No Child Left Behind" thing. I mean all my other students don't get to do speeches of demonstration. Darn. (sarcasm). I would hope it would work the other way around, where i don't have to do a speech. *sigh*. I'm going to play dead or something. I think my dentist is the happiest person on earth. I mean i never see him even a bit down. He's always happy. I haven't gotten a cavity in a long time, so i don't know what he's like when he drills. I bet he's like singing this "I'm happy happy happy, don't you feel happy, I'm happpy happy happy, i get some money." I didn't get cavity's and he's happy. I have some studying to do for global. Long test. So here's some words of wisdom i think: "He who goes off the deep end, has taken a step towards water.". not a clue of what that means though. You can figure that out. If you do, tell me. Well I am going to go bye bye, so bye bye bye bye. MONKEY MAN AWAY!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


I wish i had some apple juice.... oh yeah i found out my words of wisdomness: "If you are looking for a date, stop. Look for a wife instead, and don't start too early."
The monkeys are coming the monkeys are coming!

That is weird. As i was typing that title, one of my friends signed onto MSN, and his online name is "Monkey". So da monkey did come. I'm a little sick, but i don't feel crappy. My nose is running a little bit, but not much, and my voice still sounds funny. I had to shovel 4 ft. snow drifts today. I didn't really snow today, but the wind was like "Whoa I'm going to create lots of snow piles in you r drive way." and I was like "nuh uh" and it was like "yuh huh" and i was like "no you don't" and it was like "yes i do"... (you go into a dream sequence about the monkeys and my voice is in slow-mo) blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. (you snap back as soon as i say: hello?) hello? you still there? and you are like "sure monkey". And so I am back to the real world. "I don't plan on driving my car off-road" "well you can now". Oh yeah. well i had some words of wisdom. I don't know where they went. Maybe they are in my pocket... nope. well let's see: If the shoe fits, don't smell it after you where it. that's it. bye bye.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Eatin' Grits in July and November

Why do you ask? Well because I am not going to eat any grits. I am going to listen to Grits. Yes I told you guys earlier (maybe a long time ago) that Grits is coming out with a CD this fall. Well if you didn't know, Grits took 3 years between "Gramatical Revolution" and "Art of Translation". Well it only took them about 3 years again, but this time, they are coming out with two CDs this year. One in July, and the other in November. That's fine and dandy, and you might be saying "Gollie, they must have a lot of songs". Well i don't know if they do or not, but the CDs are going to be about 10 dollars each, so don't get your hopes up with lots of songs on a CD. Although i am excited about this as much as all you rap fans out there who espacially enjoy Grits. I really don't have that much info. on this, except the months and the two CD thing under 10 bucks. I got this info. from Gotee, Grit's record company. Grits doesn't have a site up now but they have news, once in a while. They haven't posted anything on their new CDs yet. Here is the site if you want to go to it. Grits. Well now that is done, time to talk about scycho teachers of mine. Actually really just one. My garphics Comunications teacher wants perfection from the students, while he is very imperfect. I'm not saying that I am perfect anything, or anybody except Jesus, is perfect. I'm far from that. Anyways this tells me that he is wanting something that is impossible. I mean he wants us to use really really really good hand writing, while i can barely read his. His is very sloppy. In Graphics Comm. we are drawing 3d figures into 2d view, and we have to make a border on our paper and stuff like that. I did a 100% job on the assignment of drawing the shape, but i got 95% because of something that didn't really have much to do with the assignment that should be graded: I forgot to put the assignment number on it. Holy cow. I get a 95% because i forgot to put #21. That is just stupid. I would like to see him do what he wants everyday. Than have us grade it to his standards. I don't like drawing the stupid shapes everyday. I heard that we do stuff like, make a radio program, use computers to draw the 2d views, make T-shirts, and some other stuff. We do that stuff too, but first we are drawing. Anywho, I'm going to get a Mountain Dew, so brb. B. the last one. he he. If you don't get that, than you should spend a day in my world. Here comes santa clause here comes santa clause right down santa clause lane. Taste that on for size. I am very hungry for some spaghetti. Well I am going to go now so buh bye people of virtual reality.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Minds Eye

I've had these wordless feelings in my head for sometime now. I decided I would put it in poem form. I don't know if it's very good or not. I can't think of a title that serves it justice:

In my minds eye, I see a great King
In my minds eye, I see rejoycing worshipers
whatever could they be royjoycing?
could it be that they know something i don't?
Or could it be i just don't understand?

In my minds eye i see a garden of green and color
In my minds eye I see a form come from the dirt
In my minds eye i see a serpent
whatever could it be?
could it be searching to cause desaster?
Or does he want to foul the master plan?
Does he want to be the victor?

In my minds eye, I see forbidden fruit
In my minds eye, I see a lords wife
In my minds eye, she is tempeted
In my minds eye, she also temps
In my minds eye, darkness fills the vision
What could it be?
Why were the forbidden?
If God knew that it would happen,
why did He let it?
Did the serpent win?

In my minds eye, I see a manger
In my minds eye, I see a baby
so defenseless,
so like us.
In my minds eye, He opens his eyes
Did he know he would change this world forever?
In my minds eye, I see a star, a white horse.
What could it be?
Did light flood the world?
The baby want to be a king instead?

In my minds eye, I see a cross
In my minds eye, I see blood
and death and suffering.
Yet, In my minds eye, I see second chance.
In my Minds eye, I see a tumb
In my minds eye, I see no body
Instead i look up and see a white horse
Could it be that he wants me to get on?
why are there two set of footprints in the sand,
and then only one set beside me?
Was I carried?

In my minds eye, I saw hatered, and sin.
In my minds eye, I saw evil and deceet.
But, In my minds eye i saw the white horse
with a man on it.
I saw Master of lies get thrown down
into a firey pit of fire.
In my minds eye i saw a hand extend from
the man on the horse.
Will you take it?

I'm sick. Ever have only one nostril plogged and running, and the other nice and clear? Yeah I tryed to catch the other nostril but i got sleepy. HAHAHA. Oh I can still make a bad pun. Yeah in Global today we got to see pictures of Iraq, And in one of the pictures, there was a sign that said "Baghdad Ahead". An I'm like saying it and i realize something, it sounds like "Bag dead ahead" hahahahaha. get it. people say dead ahead. ahahahahaha. Nose still running. Long day today. Monday is a boring day when you are sick. I also have homework. Lots of it. I started my homework at 3:30, and i just finished it. That's a long freakin' time if since it was only like 10 problems. Yep that is all the problems. 10. Holy cow. THERE IS NO COW! Althoug if there was one, i bet it would have a halo and wings since it was holy but the fact is that, THERE IS NO COW! goodness gracious. I have some Spanish to do still, and driver's ed. I don't get it though, the teachers name is "Dykama" or something like that, not Ed. Oh i am on a role today. I sleepy. tired. consado, i forgot the word for sleepy. consado means tire. Estoy consado. I am tired. gosh can't thing of the word sleepy. Let me check. Sueno. witha tilde above the n. it looks like this"~". That's suppose to be aboce the "n". With that nostril thing though, why is it that when i lay down on like my left side and my nostril is plogged on the right side, that the snot just goes away, but if i lay on my left side again, the snot comes back. I don't know if that has ever happened to you before. Maybe I'm sickening you out too though. owie. OUCH! THAT HURT. Chewing a peice of gum and all of a sudden, i like hit a cavity or something. Owie. don't let it hurt me again. I have some words of wisdomness i think. "slurpy llama dog monkey thinkg". Mumble mumble mumble. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Sunday, February 08, 2004

At first if you don't succeed, try try try again.

It is not such a good thing, that you are sitting down and playing a fun game called "Paper Mario" and all of a sudden you level up and the game freezes on you, so i pushed the load button and than i try again and got into another fight and i level up (because i was close to a level up) and it froze again. I kept repeating, expecting something different to happen (insanity), but i fought a different thing each time (sanity i guesse) and it kept freezing. I might try again by starting all over again, but oh well. If i get to the same spot and it freezes again, than i might have to do it the old fashion way: go out and rent the game. Oh and playing Mario Party, i think i broke my controler. If you don't know I'm using a Playstation looking controler on the computer. That works just fine, but in Mario Party, you have to rotate the joystick. Well if you don't know what a playstation controler, it doesn't have a joystick (I'm talking about the PS controler not the PS2). instead the joystick is the D-Pad. Still the D-Pad is a round thing and you can screw in a little stick in the middle of it, but i lost the screw thing (not that it would have matter much except it might hurt my finger cause of it being not flat on top), and it is a pain to try to rotate it fast. i tryed putting a pen in there, but the thing came off the pen and it exploded in there. Pen messyness. So I found this other thing but it isn't the best thing to use either. i think I'm ruining the control using it. Well i gots some words of wisdomness. Wow words of wisdom for the day x2. "If you had a 'save button', like in video games, it wouldn't be much good unless you had a 'load' button." zoink.
Kitty is Fat

My kitten, B.J. (Black Jack), a female kitty, is not a kitten. She is a fat cat. I love her that way. For being a girl she doesn't let her weight get to her. Fat cat is pretty healthy and can jump really high if she wants too. Although she doesn't want too. Team work is good: you can blame somebody else. Just thought i would throw that in. On my way to church, we saw this one idiot that didn't know how to drive or something. I mean we were at a stop light and it had a left turning lane, anyways, this guy pulled up in the left turning lane, we were going straight, and when the light turned, he gunned it (being it had snowed that night... not a good idea in the first place), and sped ahead of us then a little further up there was this car, and he passed this car see. Now we were on a two lane street called Washington street, where there is 2 way traffic so he was in the middle of the road passing this guy. I was shocked to see that he had stopped at the next red light in the left turn lane and turned left when it was green. Why didn't he just go, i mean he broke like very other law. Oh well. The irony of that is that we saw him pull into St. Mary's parking lot and he parked there and went inside. I don't know about some people. I have some words of wisdom. I took it from something that i hate and made it into a good thing from it. "if your parents nag at you, it's probably because they don't want you to forget, especially if it is important." yeah some wisdomness right there. I like the wisdom that i think of and not from gum like: Teamwork is good: you can blame it on something else. and yes you did hear that somewhere. I'll let you figure that one out, where you heard it. Well I'm going to play some of that Paper Mario. Buh bye people of the internet.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Hey everybody

How is you? I is fine. hehe. is is a funny word. I hurt a little bit this moring... actually i hurt a lot. At least i don't feel sick like i did last night. I'm thankful for that. I felt pretty crappy after i blogged. i just kinda curled up under my alpaca blanket, and stared at the TV while watching Scooby Doo. I also watch Johnny Bravo. There was this one part that was funny. I was tired and sick so it was funny at the time. this one police lady was after Johnny, and she was telling her fellow officers to "search every highway, freeway, roadway, and henway." and then this other officer was like "whats a henway?" and another officer said "about 3 pounds." haha. Oh it was funny last night. I don't know how i bowled at all tis morning. I h urt. I did pretty well in bowling this morning. I didn't get my average but i was only like 10 pins off. well I'm going to recuperate in front of this computer while playing Paper Mario. Buh bye people.

Friday, February 06, 2004


I don't know if I have helped you with any problems in your life. Although I did help myself just now. Sometimes I read my blog. And i remember typing the title "LOL". I remember typing it, but i forgot what it was about. Anyways i have a hugeriffic head ach. I read that little tibit called "LOL". My head ach went away. Anyways i don't feel it now. Oh i also read charle's blog today. If you know what he said (i believe it was something we did at youth called video announcements) and he said that to refer to my blog. Well i was in a deep deep, frenzy of accidental bloggings of 9 million thousand 20 catty monkey hundred in one day. Anyways the article (haha i found a fantsy name for my posts) is called "LOL" that you should refer too. I have this boo boo on my arm. It's a snow burn i think. Owie. tutaloo ctp. melon head. I like Ed, Edd, Eddy. I'm surprised my wrist doesn't hurt from all of it's abuse it took today. You know i felt kinda crappy before this blog, but now i feel a wee bit better now. I glad i don't feel that head ach anymore. You know, I need to do words of wisdom that i didn't "barrow" from other things like hard gum or something along those lines. Here is my very own, home-thought-of; words of wisdom: If happen to fall a lot while snow boarding the slopes, you will feel lots of pain in your arms, wrists and knees; so, do not fall to aviod all sorts of pain and/or injury. I'm going to make some apple juice. Buh bye my wonderful listening-to-random-rambling audience. Keep praying for Charle's friend (refer to article Thursday, January 29, 2004: Prayer Power)
Rambling Roy
I'm ok...

... I think. Owie. Fun. Pain... fun... pain. I dunno. FUN! Oh yeah. The ski trip was fun. I got out of school early today, so I'm blogging and telling you about that ski trip. I went on the bunny hill like 5 times. Although it took me an hour and a half because i rented and they had to make my binding straps bigger. I went in there twice. It really sucked cause im at the top of the bunny hill and sitting there spending like a half an hour trying to strap these things on but they were too small. I had to walk down and they fixed me up with some longer straps. I was going down this one hill, one of the bigger hills, and i hit something and i was trying to balance out but i hit something else like a hole in the snow or something like that, and i did a nice 360 on my side in the air and then landed on my wrist. I thought i broke it but it stopped hurting like a minute later. It sure was a nice day to board today. But at the end i think i pulled a muscle in my leg. Owie. I had a half an hour left anyways so it didn't matter much. So i chilled at the lodge and gave them back their board, up there at Huff Hills. When i think i pulled my muscle i couldn't get up and it hurt when i tried. I finally got up and went down the rest of the way. Though there was a steep hill ahead and i fell again and snow flew in my face. But it was easier to stand up then. but the bad part is that the end of the hill is kinda flat and im just like pushing myself along. well enough of that business. I told you that i had played all the Mario's out there. I wasn't thinking. I forgot about Mario RPG, and Paper Mario. I'm playing paper Mario right now and that's pretty fun. Ill play Mario RPG next, and see if i want to play some Mario Party. After i finish all this i need to complete my reign of terror with Zelda. I still have to play the second one (NES), Wind Waker, and both the 64 ones. 1 was alright, but i still like A Link to the Past more. Well I'm gonna heal in front of my computer playing Paper Mario. Buh bye you silly billys.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Hey Little kidies, Uncle Roy has something for ya.

I don't know if you are little kiddies, but oh well i can tell ya something. quick what is a monkey.... come on answer... eeeeeer, wrong. A monkey is the coolest thing on the planet. yeppers monkeys. Just FYI (for your information), i've been forgetting to mention this, I GO ON THE HORIZON SKI TRIP TOMORROW! YAY for me! The ski trip is when the freshmen (I and other 9th graders) go to Huff Hills for the day of Skiing and Snowboarding, or just plain hanging out at the lodge. Never really been snowboarding (although i used to down the hill in the back yard with my crappy plastic snowboard... yeah a 3 ft. high hill isn't going to be very different from Huff Hills Intermediate hill...) sarcasm. Though i have heard the bunny hill is worse then my little hill... a rope and pulling yourself... boy I'm probably going to be on that like twice and then try my luck... if i get hurt, i hope not. So it's going to be a fun experience. NO SCHOOL FOR ME! tomorrow anyways. I don't know what to do now so I'll just sit here and stare at the screen. OK I'm done staring. I got orientation for 10th grade. That was boring, although i did figure out this book thing they gave us. I don't know what to take for electives, so i am going to ask my brother what the classes are like. My friend had the bestest shirt on today... that kinda sounded girly so let me rephrase that if i can figure out how to, my associate bore the boss shell today. Oh yeah, rephrasing doesn't make it sound girly anymore... it really doesn't make much since either though. anyways the shirt had scooby on it and it said "see no evil" "hear no evil" "say no evil" and scooby was doing the actions. I like scooby doo. the boss. It sounds like something from the 80's or 60's maybe. I dunno. Well im going to chew some of this hard gum for your words of wisdom or something. NO I RIPPED THE QUOTE WISDOMNESS! OH here it is. There is something in my gum so I'll skip chewing it and just throw it away. wisdomeness: Use your brain- it's the little things that count. Not quite sure what that means. Well I'm going to have fun snowboarding tomorrow. Hey Charlie, if you can come out and snowboard with us. We'll be there from 10 to 2 or at least snowboarding/skiing. buh bye you swell bunch of people.
The monkey quacks at six o' five, a.m.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Gonna stop

I'm going to stop doing those things like "super hero persona" or "your destiny". It seems to show up twice... and like 5 hours late... or until i do my next blog. buh bye. Pray for Charle's friend please.

For those of you who have a blog. Try this: when you get to the part where you can type your post, highlight "Post" and then push the bold button. Yeah it's wierd. You can probably highlight anything on this page and do that. Ah accidents. I wonder what would happen if you posted it. I don't know. Oh I don't know what I'm doing. Just singing along to an invisible song... Or non existing song would be more accurate. Watching Charlie hit the wall was fun, or giving himself a swirly, or taking off his shirt and going outside here in North Dakota... In the dead of winter. Oh how lame. I suffer for trying to chew this really really hard gum to read this comic, and it's the same one that i opened the last peace of gum i had. Lame Bob. There are kids in the hall. Rambling rambling rambling, keep your roy-oy rambling, roy-ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy. you know instead of "rolling rolling rolling" yeah that's right. Listen to my ramble. eat it people. Bite y our computer, chew it up, and swallow it, digest it, and doo doo it out. Lay's Potato chips are even crispier. I don't know though, never tried them. The new ones. I'm going to go now with these last words of wisdom of this day: Stand on something or you'll fall for anything. If you wonder where i get these words... Ramblings.
Super Hero

My cat turned into a super hero over night. She's pretty cool.

Your Superhero Persona by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameThe Scotsman
Super PowerAbility To Fly
EnemyThe Gangsta
Mode Of TransportationGiant Hamster Named Skippy
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

I'm Petes' (one or the other) Partner or something:

Your Superhero Persona by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameThe Ferret
Super PowerCan Cry On Command
EnemyThe Landlord
Mode Of TransportationVolkswagen Beetle
WeaponAttack Gerbils
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Super Hero

My cat turned into a super hero over night. She's pretty cool.

Your Superhero Persona by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameThe Scotsman
Super PowerAbility To Fly
EnemyThe Gangsta
Mode Of TransportationGiant Hamster Named Skippy
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

I'm Pete Jone's Partner or something:

Your Superhero Persona by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameThe Ferret
Super PowerCan Cry On Command
EnemyThe Landlord
Mode Of TransportationVolkswagen Beetle
WeaponAttack Gerbils
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

blog for the 50th time today... or something like that.

Just because I'm special doesn't make me stupid... maybe it does, and whoa.... i just got a really bad head ach. Ouch. I can't look at the screen so i am looking at the keyboard, so i cant see if i make a mistake unless i see it before hand. But i am blogging againg for the 90th time today for a reason. The Mario is over. I have completed my ring of terror on playing all the marios. although i got most of the stars (115) i did look up the others and i didn't feel like flying to get some coins. Although i could've gotten 16 if i wasn't lazy after beating a game. Oh for those you don't know how to get Luigi, i found out, here it is:

Yes! You, too, can unlock Luigi in Super Mario 64! All you have to do is
take your Nintendo 64, as well as your television set, and throw it out
of a (minimal) two story window. Then, you will have to flush your
cartridge of Super Mario 64 down the toilet. Lastly, the final step in
unlocking Luigi lies in pouring gasoline on your head, and setting your
hair on fire! After you do these three separate tasks, you will unlock
Luigi, who will call you a complete moron. (NOTE: This is sarcasm. Do
not try this, as Luigi DOES NOT EXIST! Thank you.)

Ah that was a nice little tib bit. Oh looked at screen... hurt. The last freakin' Bowser was a pain in the booty. Actually it was a pain the booty for him but that's beside the point. (If you have ever played the game, you'll know what i mean). Oh by the way I'm talking about Super Mario 64 (I thought i would remind you if you haven't looked at my blog in a LONG time or if this is your first time.) Anyways i learned some things: FIrstly off, a fat Italian man that is small, can indead lift a fat 10 ton turtle with spikes on his back; secondly, That same fat Italian man has a REALLY big nose; alsoly, princesses only look like she was kissing said Fat Italian Man's Nose; Fourthly, Flying for coins is a pain; Golinly, Eyes hurt after many man hours of controling said Fat Italian Man with said big nose. (Note: Said Fat Italian Man with said big nose is Mario). I wanna beat Mario Sunshine, but i don't own it. Although i have gotten about 50 suns in that game. Not sure how many there are but there are a lot. Something tells me i should start my homework. Oh and sorry for so many blogglys today. Well I'm going to go with this note... OW.
OK this is the last time today or this hour. I promise

I'm sorry but i have to share this. Funny. I filled it out for a friend. here it is.

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
Date when you fufill your destinyOctober 2, 2014
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

The funny part is that his girlfriend calls him "Toast" I don't know why she just does.

Oops i thought i bwoke it. Yeah i thought i only did that thingy onece. (note the post under this one... then note further down i have 2 more). I didn't know the other 2 worked. Well i defeated my archnemisis, and is the destroyer of Human Kind. Although my Favorite color is blue sometimes, but most of the time it is a greenish color. If you have talked to me on MSN, you will see the color that i am talking about. Well i do have a cool word. disporportionalised. Oh yeah. If you don't know what it means... go look it up.... yeah I'm cool. Let me chew some of this hard gum to tell you some words of wisdom. Wait one second... first I'll tell you your fortune: You will read a fortune today. Oh yeah I'm good. That's a lame joke on the comic. Not the fortune thing, the joke. I don't get it... maybe you will... if you do.... tell me: "Dear Joe-- What's the best thing for sore feet?-- J.B. in New York." next frame. "Dear J.B.-- A 50 mile hike will give 'em to you without fail.-- Best Joe." end of comic. I'm stupid i tell you what. I get it now. It is still a stupid joke. Bye bye.
Oh yeah look at this:

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyDestroyer of Human kind
Date when you fufill your destinyNovember 8, 2019
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Fries and Hamburger... not enough time...

Now this title you may not think would have anything to do with my blog... oh contrer(don't know if it is spelt right, but oh well, I'm not taking French, and if it is Spanish.... blame Haunsen). Actually it is going to be just part of it. See for lunch we were having hamburgers and fries for lunch and they have good fries and I like their hamburgers. It seemed we have like 90 more people when there is something good for lunch. We have 2 lines for lunch at our school. Hot, and Ala Carte (which is an alternative with sandwitches and stuff like that) and both lines were packed it seemed. Anyways we go to lunch in a certain order and my class was close to being last, and usually when it is i go to sit down at my friends' table so i can sit by them. Anyways, I mean when the line got down to where i could stand in line in hot lunch, I would have 7 minutes to eat. When i sat down i had like 5 or less minutes. I consumed the contents of my food detention device rapidly. (translation into smaller words, "I ate the food that was on my tray, really fast") Yeah i almost was late for my next class. Oh well, i wasn't. I like big words, although i had to find a simile for holding, and i found detention, which made sense i guesse. MARIO!

Monday, February 02, 2004

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyDefeat of your archnemesis
Date when you fufill your destinyJanuary 16, 2013
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

apparently it blew up or something
I'm gonna do this cause everyone else in the free world is... I don't know if it will work right or not.

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyDefeat of your archnemesis
Date when you fufill your destinyJanuary 16, 2013
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Blog Bog Dog Log Egg Nog Pog God Rog Pony

He he alright. Oh titles, how great. I have my CD burner and i Burned my mix! yeah yeah. its sounds really good in my diskman rockin' it portable, with mono or maybe stereo I don't know and rockdown to a John Reuben Show. Ah rthymes. That doesn't look spelled right... *cough Arman*. I can't believe i forget how to spell that word. Rhymes maybe. Yeah that looks right. Anyways it sounds good but my Windows Media Player lied to me. It said that I had 45 seconds to spare, but when i used Nero, a good burning program, it told me i was over my limit by 35 seconds. Never trust Window's says Destroyer. Oh by the way that means that suggestions for the Music order is over. Unless you want to buy me 50 CDs. Then go ahead and suggest away. I owe my bro a CD. Staples has a good dealio. 50 CDs for 10 bucks. That's pretty good. I wonder if they will take does. haha. oh what an awful pun. The funny part is that i didn't even plan that until i typed the word "bucks" and after that i'm like. Doe. funny. Luagh you know you want to. come on. haha. it feels good. give in to the pressure to laugh. Oh you're no fun. I'm going to my room. Oh wait I'm there already. Shucky darn. Oh shucks again, my CD is over. I'm going to play some Mario. Cool word... i had one.... Thingy. That's a cool word right there. I forgot the real one i was going to use but that one works too. Or burninating is another good one. I'm gonna go now before i get in trouble for "over use of telling people it's a pun and they should laugh" law. bye.
Same old stuff

I really do blog too much. I mean I blog twice a day now it seems like. Holy cow. Oh but i do have some stuff to tell you so it isn't just the same old stuff. The Super Bowl, you know. Well as you may have read in the last blogging session, i went to a party of the Super Bowl. It was a blast. The funny part was that we guessed the out come score and me being the one that doesn't know very much about football, i Guessed 32 to 28 Patriots would win. Pete kinda laughed at the numbers i picked, well he didn't laugh out loud but he was like "So you think it is going to be a high scoring game" and me being who i am, I didn't know what a low scoring game would look like. Maybe cause i bowl and that has pretty high scoring in it usually. back to the story. Well if you know the out come of the score which i would assume you would, i was one point off on the Panthers. And being the closest guesse, I won a beautiful lightining tower, which is sweet cause i put my hands on it and the lightning stuff comes to my fingers. I didn't even watch the whole super bowl although i did watch up to half time and watched half time show with disgust. That was the stupidest thing I've seen. Ah yuck. If you didn't see it, be glad. Justin Timberly is retarded. The comercials were my favorites, although the first half of the game was really good when that one dude just kinda stuck out his arm and the guy that was going to tackle him just flys off the arm. That was sweet. Oh how my CD burner is going to be at my house soon. My mommy was home and it didn't come, but when she went to pick me up from school, it had come apparently. i had missed it by like 5 minutes. Well I have to wait until after 4:30, but oh well i will have it at 5 hopefully. Well I'm going to go do some homework so buh bye peeps.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

CD as long as blogging and homework?

I'm going to try this again.

Top news story: Was listening to R-Mix 5 cause it's on my computer not on CD yet, and I blogged, and then did homework, and right as i closed my last homework book, the last song that is going to be on the CD was over. It is almost 80 minute long CD.
In other news, people are flying all over the place because they traded their arms in for wings.
Now Sports: Super Bowl party tonight an hour before kickoff.
Weather: Cold but getting warmer slowly. (slowly as in a half of degree F per day maybe i we are lucky.)
More sports and weather: I get to snowboard on Friday and miss school if the weather is good.
More news: I put this gum in when i started this blog and it tastes nasty already (it's bazooka, the kind with the comics)
That's all for blog news. Catch us next time. Same blog, not the same time.
Welcome to the Freak Party

What's two plus two? It's not 4, it's four. haha. I wouldn't try to pull that one off just talking to someone... typing is much easier. Oh for those who have contributed your information on the order of "R-Mix 5" (not that there were any) here is what i think will be the final listing. Remember copyrights belong to the band and the record companys, and I have all the CDs that these songs are on.
R-Mix 5
1. Toby Mac: Momentum
2. KJ-52: Rock Hard
3. Linkin Park: Numb
4. POD: Freedom Fighters
5. John Reuben: Treats
6. Grits: Ooh Ah
7. Stainless: Shocktown
8. Linkin Park: Papercut
9. Toby Mac: Phenomenon
10. Stainless: Israel
11. Switchfoot: Gone
12. DC Talk: He Loves Me
13. Juliana Theory: If I told you this was killing me would you stop?
14. Stainless: Life in the 1990’s (Ten Again)
15. Linkin Park: One Step Closer
16. Grits: They All Fall Down
17. POD: Revolution
18. John Reuben: Defensive offender
19. Toby Mac: In the Air
20. Grits: Return of the Antagonist
21. Verbs: Day to Remember

That's my order. I'm going to a Super Bowl Party. I wonder what the Super Bowl is. Is it like a giant bowl of super heros? Ha ha. Mountain Dew is good. I went to a Stuper Bowl party last year, which is the same one that i am going to this year except it'll be the 2004 Super Bowl istean of the 2003 one, and it'll be the year 2004 instead of 2003. You still with me? If not, read the last part very slowly and concentrate and if it doesn't still make sense, well, then I am confused if you are confused which would also in turn make you confused and the sense of conusion we would all just blow up i guesse. Lets hope you don't get confused. Confused? I bolded the "T" in stuper bowl. hehe. Oh i don't really get the phrase "Not the brightest bulb in the bunch". I know what it means it just that it doesn't make sense. I mean if being bright means being smart, but the brighter the bulb, it doesn't last as long as the duller ones. Unless of course you were talking about a plant bulb, which in that case they don't really get bright. Haha. Oh I don't want to stop. But i have to. My brother is rubbing off on me witht he puns and all. It would be cool if part of his body rubbed onto mine though. haha. Oh how great. I gotta go do some homework. Now the title is complete. Freak and Party. Listen to this: "Be humble enough to obey, you may give orders someday." Please keep on praying for Charle's friend. God bless.