Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Eatin' Grits in July and November

Why do you ask? Well because I am not going to eat any grits. I am going to listen to Grits. Yes I told you guys earlier (maybe a long time ago) that Grits is coming out with a CD this fall. Well if you didn't know, Grits took 3 years between "Gramatical Revolution" and "Art of Translation". Well it only took them about 3 years again, but this time, they are coming out with two CDs this year. One in July, and the other in November. That's fine and dandy, and you might be saying "Gollie, they must have a lot of songs". Well i don't know if they do or not, but the CDs are going to be about 10 dollars each, so don't get your hopes up with lots of songs on a CD. Although i am excited about this as much as all you rap fans out there who espacially enjoy Grits. I really don't have that much info. on this, except the months and the two CD thing under 10 bucks. I got this info. from Gotee, Grit's record company. Grits doesn't have a site up now but they have news, once in a while. They haven't posted anything on their new CDs yet. Here is the site if you want to go to it. Grits. Well now that is done, time to talk about scycho teachers of mine. Actually really just one. My garphics Comunications teacher wants perfection from the students, while he is very imperfect. I'm not saying that I am perfect anything, or anybody except Jesus, is perfect. I'm far from that. Anyways this tells me that he is wanting something that is impossible. I mean he wants us to use really really really good hand writing, while i can barely read his. His is very sloppy. In Graphics Comm. we are drawing 3d figures into 2d view, and we have to make a border on our paper and stuff like that. I did a 100% job on the assignment of drawing the shape, but i got 95% because of something that didn't really have much to do with the assignment that should be graded: I forgot to put the assignment number on it. Holy cow. I get a 95% because i forgot to put #21. That is just stupid. I would like to see him do what he wants everyday. Than have us grade it to his standards. I don't like drawing the stupid shapes everyday. I heard that we do stuff like, make a radio program, use computers to draw the 2d views, make T-shirts, and some other stuff. We do that stuff too, but first we are drawing. Anywho, I'm going to get a Mountain Dew, so brb. B. the last one. he he. If you don't get that, than you should spend a day in my world. Here comes santa clause here comes santa clause right down santa clause lane. Taste that on for size. I am very hungry for some spaghetti. Well I am going to go now so buh bye people of virtual reality.

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