Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Bonker Goes Bananas

By Monkey Man J Sudsn'Buff. It's a book in my world. What does this have to do with anything. Well I'll tell ye. He waded out into the ocean until all manner of sea creatures gathered. On the third moring he roped himself a couple of sea turtles. Tango Ted set his time machine for 2015. Tango Ted is a good dancer. Squeak Sqaump. The juffle of wallaby bill had to be taken to the garlic house on 124 North Panda Wolf Avenue. The gopher had a lump in his throat when he swallowed the elephant whole. Why'd Scamper cross the road? Cause he's cool. Why'd BJ cross the road? She's too fat to cross the road, but if she could it would be to get away from Charles. He feel. Yetti feel it. Why is big foot not feeling it? Jumble jumble jumble, I like the mummble of stumble stephen. I'll give you too peices of rabbit tail if you give me a squirl. Perrr brrrer. Sunka sunka sunka lampy, the catolagist. He speaks caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. jugjugjugjgugujgjgugugjjgjugu. army men of dooooooooooooooooooooom. Whoa. What eeeeeeees dat. *snort*. patuuueeee

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