Friday, February 06, 2004

I'm ok...

... I think. Owie. Fun. Pain... fun... pain. I dunno. FUN! Oh yeah. The ski trip was fun. I got out of school early today, so I'm blogging and telling you about that ski trip. I went on the bunny hill like 5 times. Although it took me an hour and a half because i rented and they had to make my binding straps bigger. I went in there twice. It really sucked cause im at the top of the bunny hill and sitting there spending like a half an hour trying to strap these things on but they were too small. I had to walk down and they fixed me up with some longer straps. I was going down this one hill, one of the bigger hills, and i hit something and i was trying to balance out but i hit something else like a hole in the snow or something like that, and i did a nice 360 on my side in the air and then landed on my wrist. I thought i broke it but it stopped hurting like a minute later. It sure was a nice day to board today. But at the end i think i pulled a muscle in my leg. Owie. I had a half an hour left anyways so it didn't matter much. So i chilled at the lodge and gave them back their board, up there at Huff Hills. When i think i pulled my muscle i couldn't get up and it hurt when i tried. I finally got up and went down the rest of the way. Though there was a steep hill ahead and i fell again and snow flew in my face. But it was easier to stand up then. but the bad part is that the end of the hill is kinda flat and im just like pushing myself along. well enough of that business. I told you that i had played all the Mario's out there. I wasn't thinking. I forgot about Mario RPG, and Paper Mario. I'm playing paper Mario right now and that's pretty fun. Ill play Mario RPG next, and see if i want to play some Mario Party. After i finish all this i need to complete my reign of terror with Zelda. I still have to play the second one (NES), Wind Waker, and both the 64 ones. 1 was alright, but i still like A Link to the Past more. Well I'm gonna heal in front of my computer playing Paper Mario. Buh bye you silly billys.

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