Sunday, February 22, 2004

Quiero ser un duende

I have no clue why i said "I want to be an elf" in spanish, but i did. I think i did because i just watched "Once upon a time in Mexico" and i am watching "Desperado" right now. Yeah it was funny cause Pete Jones asked me if i had watched "Desperado" before we watched "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" and i hadn't. And when i got home i noticed Deperado was on TV. So i am watching it. "Are you a Mexi"can" or a Mexi"can't"?" That is one of the best lines in Once upon a time in mexico. Although, I was really really sad when Johnny Depp had his eyes screwed out. I really thought that was unneccesary. That would really suck. I mean you are awake and looking right at the screw thing, and owie i can't finish. I am glad they didn't show the screwing of the eyes out, or the sound affects and/or blood. Johnny Depp was very great in that movie, and funny. He had the stupidest disguises. He is a CIA agent, and in one scene he is wearing a T-Shirt that says "CIA" and it said something else. gosh why can't i think of what it said. Something Investigation agency. Why can't I remember what it said for "C". Oh well. Yeah the movie people were kinda stupid cause in the deleted scenes they took out a scene that made a lot of since to this one part in the movie but they failed to put that scene in the movie. Well I'm going to go watch this movie so bye bye.

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