Monday, February 02, 2004

Blog Bog Dog Log Egg Nog Pog God Rog Pony

He he alright. Oh titles, how great. I have my CD burner and i Burned my mix! yeah yeah. its sounds really good in my diskman rockin' it portable, with mono or maybe stereo I don't know and rockdown to a John Reuben Show. Ah rthymes. That doesn't look spelled right... *cough Arman*. I can't believe i forget how to spell that word. Rhymes maybe. Yeah that looks right. Anyways it sounds good but my Windows Media Player lied to me. It said that I had 45 seconds to spare, but when i used Nero, a good burning program, it told me i was over my limit by 35 seconds. Never trust Window's says Destroyer. Oh by the way that means that suggestions for the Music order is over. Unless you want to buy me 50 CDs. Then go ahead and suggest away. I owe my bro a CD. Staples has a good dealio. 50 CDs for 10 bucks. That's pretty good. I wonder if they will take does. haha. oh what an awful pun. The funny part is that i didn't even plan that until i typed the word "bucks" and after that i'm like. Doe. funny. Luagh you know you want to. come on. haha. it feels good. give in to the pressure to laugh. Oh you're no fun. I'm going to my room. Oh wait I'm there already. Shucky darn. Oh shucks again, my CD is over. I'm going to play some Mario. Cool word... i had one.... Thingy. That's a cool word right there. I forgot the real one i was going to use but that one works too. Or burninating is another good one. I'm gonna go now before i get in trouble for "over use of telling people it's a pun and they should laugh" law. bye.

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