Sunday, February 08, 2004

Kitty is Fat

My kitten, B.J. (Black Jack), a female kitty, is not a kitten. She is a fat cat. I love her that way. For being a girl she doesn't let her weight get to her. Fat cat is pretty healthy and can jump really high if she wants too. Although she doesn't want too. Team work is good: you can blame somebody else. Just thought i would throw that in. On my way to church, we saw this one idiot that didn't know how to drive or something. I mean we were at a stop light and it had a left turning lane, anyways, this guy pulled up in the left turning lane, we were going straight, and when the light turned, he gunned it (being it had snowed that night... not a good idea in the first place), and sped ahead of us then a little further up there was this car, and he passed this car see. Now we were on a two lane street called Washington street, where there is 2 way traffic so he was in the middle of the road passing this guy. I was shocked to see that he had stopped at the next red light in the left turn lane and turned left when it was green. Why didn't he just go, i mean he broke like very other law. Oh well. The irony of that is that we saw him pull into St. Mary's parking lot and he parked there and went inside. I don't know about some people. I have some words of wisdom. I took it from something that i hate and made it into a good thing from it. "if your parents nag at you, it's probably because they don't want you to forget, especially if it is important." yeah some wisdomness right there. I like the wisdom that i think of and not from gum like: Teamwork is good: you can blame it on something else. and yes you did hear that somewhere. I'll let you figure that one out, where you heard it. Well I'm going to play some of that Paper Mario. Buh bye people of the internet.

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