Sunday, February 29, 2004

God's Passion is the greatest

I just saw The Pasion of Christ today. And I was without words. I knew that it was going to be bloody and graphic, but I wasn't prepared for this. I mean just thinking of the Christ went through for me, you, everybody, people he didn't even know, people he knew would put him down. He went through that. Someone asked me if it was a tear jerker. Well, maybe if you thought of it as a movie with just actors and stunts, maybe it wouldn't be, but if you looked at it like i did, Christ being beaten, dropped, whipped with razor blades, nails driven through his hands and feet, hanging on the cross, all for me and you, then, yeah it is a tear jerker. I felt a tear when I watched him being beaten likie 60 times with a whip with razor blades on it, getting stuck into his side then being ripped out and thinking to myself, "that would hurt a lot; he did it cause he loves me". Jesus is God. He could have just had a quick and painless death, but he wanted to relate with me when i am thinking to myself "Man this really hurts God. You don't know how I feel." He can say "Yes i do know how you feel. I was hanging on the cross." I would highly suggest seeing this movie, but also see it as Christ doing this for you. I haven't blogged in a while. I don't remember if I blogged yesterday, but i went to guys night out friday night at our church and we had lots of fun playing video games, cutting our feet on snow that was ice pretty much, sword fighting, and staying up all night, (for those that did stay up anyways... I think like only 6 people made it through the night without any sleep. I was one of those people who stayed awake). Speaking of me staying awake... when i got home i went to bed and then 3 hours later my brother's girlfriend pumbles me while i am sleeping and i was awaken. I took a shower and all that cause it was 11:15 and we were going out to eat with my grandma and my aunt at 12. But my dad got a call that they would be an hour late, so i went back to bed for a half an hour and i was pumpled again by Kayla, my brother's girlfriend. I just sat on the couch for a half an hour stairing at nothing really wishing i could sleep. Then when my aunt and grandma got here we went to apple bee's and then we went home after we had eaten and i slept some more for like 3 hours then was naturally awakened and I ate, then went to the rock service at our church which was really really sweet and now I am rambling to you cause i just got tired and didn't feel like ending this really really long sentence and not sure if i am even typing anymore. I ended it finally. By the way, people are really funny when they are sleepy. If fact, we were so funny, charles decided to laugh at nothing, and he laughed really hard too. Oh yeah we also played capture the flag with a predator twist... except there was no predator really. But it was fun and our team was really good and Damian was so stealthy that no one noticed him go into the middle of a place where a person would see him, and infact there were lots of enemys in there, and they didn't see him and he picked up the flag. THough i found it first just needed some back up and we couldn't find damian. Man that guy is really stealthy. Damian though got confused an accidently brought the flag to the enemy flag taking spot... the place where the enemy is suppose to take our flag if they found it. Oh well it was fun. I still want damian on my team next time. Well i am going to go now because i am tired and i have to get up early tomorrow for that thing we all call school. Good bye.

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