Monday, February 09, 2004


I'm sick. Ever have only one nostril plogged and running, and the other nice and clear? Yeah I tryed to catch the other nostril but i got sleepy. HAHAHA. Oh I can still make a bad pun. Yeah in Global today we got to see pictures of Iraq, And in one of the pictures, there was a sign that said "Baghdad Ahead". An I'm like saying it and i realize something, it sounds like "Bag dead ahead" hahahahaha. get it. people say dead ahead. ahahahahaha. Nose still running. Long day today. Monday is a boring day when you are sick. I also have homework. Lots of it. I started my homework at 3:30, and i just finished it. That's a long freakin' time if since it was only like 10 problems. Yep that is all the problems. 10. Holy cow. THERE IS NO COW! Althoug if there was one, i bet it would have a halo and wings since it was holy but the fact is that, THERE IS NO COW! goodness gracious. I have some Spanish to do still, and driver's ed. I don't get it though, the teachers name is "Dykama" or something like that, not Ed. Oh i am on a role today. I sleepy. tired. consado, i forgot the word for sleepy. consado means tire. Estoy consado. I am tired. gosh can't thing of the word sleepy. Let me check. Sueno. witha tilde above the n. it looks like this"~". That's suppose to be aboce the "n". With that nostril thing though, why is it that when i lay down on like my left side and my nostril is plogged on the right side, that the snot just goes away, but if i lay on my left side again, the snot comes back. I don't know if that has ever happened to you before. Maybe I'm sickening you out too though. owie. OUCH! THAT HURT. Chewing a peice of gum and all of a sudden, i like hit a cavity or something. Owie. don't let it hurt me again. I have some words of wisdomness i think. "slurpy llama dog monkey thinkg". Mumble mumble mumble. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

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