Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I don't know. I just put that for no reason. Well I'm blogging and you know what that means? It probably means I have homework that I am putting off. Of course. I have a presentation that I need to finish for tomorrow, and so far I have most of the information that I need, most of my slide show presentation, and I have the time requirement thus far (barely)... just two problems: One, I have MOST of it done... not all. Two, I have to do it with a partner, and well, we haven't practiced it together and since it seems I did most of the work (which is one reason I hate partner presentations) he doesn't know what he is going to say, and the only way he will know is if he shows up at the school media center tomorrow. He was suppose to meet me there today, but he was a no show. Anyways, why I hate group/partner projects. Number one, I like to do a good job, and know what's going on so I tend to take charge and do most of it. Number two, I'm busy and can't ever meet the group/partner, out of class because Target is ticking me off and scheduling me every freaking day of the week that I am available to work which is every day except Wed. and Sun. Teacher rarely gives you enough time to do it in class. I mean it's research project, which means we spent the only two days researching and getting all our information right, and even we didn't get it all done, and then we have to magically find time out of freaking class. You know what? If they would've given me a month in advance about this, I could have asked for time off for this week, so that I could get together with my partner and work on it. Oh yeah, and tonight was a bad night. I signed up to go see Narnia with my church, which was an alright movie, but more on that later, and well I had to eat, so pretty much no time to get together with my partner. Probably part my fault for saying i'll do most of the work, but I like getting a good grade. And that's why I hate partners. Your grade depends on someone else also.

I don't know why I even care. It's a freaking number and and letter. Not even a word, it's just a letter. the grade I'm talking about now. But enough on the problems of society and crap. I have a project to finish, and hopefully I can find my partner and make sure he goes to the freaking media center (why not just call it a library? Whatever.). If that doesn't work, I'm gonna freaking just give up and stay in my head where it's nice.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Miss Nova

So Starcraft Ghost got some attention... again. SC Ghost has been in production for a long time. Just to give you a little update: SC Ghost was under the production of Blizzard and Nihilistic, at the start in 2002 or 2003 (I can't remember when they first announced it... it was a long time ago). Blizzard let go of Nihilistic in the middle of production, and hired Swinging Apes to work on the project. On the way they scrapped 90% of the code involved and most of the story line. This is about 2004. They bought Swinging Apes, so they became part of Blizzard. Swinging Apes added several things: graphics, new look for Nova (the main character), multiplayer, new playable characters, and the like. Right now, they've announced that you can play as protoss and zerg in multiplayer. So I don't know. Exciting, of course. But this is still gonna be on this generation of video game systems (XBox, PS2, Gamecube). Now that's a good idea, mainly because they have it all planned out for these systems already, and to start over and make it for the new systems would be pointless because they don't know all they can do with the new systems. But this might not be good for Blizzard mainly because it's gonna be close or after the new systems are released, and Ghost will slip under the radar and people may not buy it. Maybe. That's just my theory. I don't mind having it made on this generation of systems, but Blizzard might lose money because of it. Just to let you know, no release date is set for Ghost yet. Sometime next year is all we have to go by. That is all. Unless you want to here a story.

I was playing Shadow the Hedgehog, and I got made and was gonna punch my bed, but the remote for the TV was under my fist, so I punched that instead and it was bleeding pretty bad. The fist, not the remote. The remote is fine, it only suffered from loosing-battery-cover-and-batteries injuries. I think my hand is still bleeding though. Oh well.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Video Games

I decided that this generation of video game consoles(PS2, Gamecube, XBox) sucked up the place. I have my reasons. The Gamecube, didn't have the software developers that you would expect, so they didn't that many great games. PS2 took a dive with it improving the PS2 so many times that the old school PS2 disks don't play in the slim PS2. The XBox... well all it has is halo and ninja gaiden, and a great firstperson shooter controler. Fighting games suck to play with it. Racing games aren't much of an improvement. In general, it seems I'm seeing the same thing over and over again. It usually takes shape in a first person shooter. It seems that standards are set, and developers get to that standard, and don't push beyound that. For example, Burnout series comes out with Burnout 3. What do other game developers for racing games do? They make that standard of putting crashing in their racing games. Now it seems that new games, such as LA Rush, aren't doing anything new. For those of you who play sports games, is Maddan improving or is 06 very very similar to 05? I don't know. I haven't played any sport games for many years now. The last one I played was NHL Blitz 2002. Which was fun.

Don't get my wrong with any of this. There are some fun and great games out there, but is there anything really new? We had first person shooters back on the N64, we had hack and slashes for many decades, we had RPGs, we had racing games. Is there anything that's gonna be new? Graphics are gonna get better. Really, I think we milked everything dry. The only thing that's gonna change with the XBox 360 and the PS3 are the graphics and the number of people you can have on the screen at one time without the framerate slowing down. Which are alright, but nothing new. But what's this other console. There's a third. the Nintendo Revolution. It has a pretty cool controler concept. If you haven't heard about the controler, just search it on ther internet. You'll find it. But seriously, this thing has gyrotechnology, it is like a remote, so that could be fun for first person shooters, with being able to shoot at the screen, like a guncon. It also comes with an attachment for the controler that has a joystick on it, so that also adds to the FPS movement. Sword fighting will be intersting with gyrotechnology (for those of you who don't know, that is that it can sense the movement of the controler). Fishing... not looking forward to that, but a good idea. I wonder about racing games. We'll see what the software developers have in mind. I'd keep your eye on the Revolution. I think it's gonna be the hit, just because people are gonna go, "The 360 is just like an XBox, except with better graphics... this sucks." Or "the PS3... this sucks totally because it has a boomerang controler, and the game get's registered to the system, so it can't be played on any other system except on the system it's registered to." I don't know about the PS3 part. It's just a rumour. But if it is true, it's gonna suck.

So I'm not gonna be rushing to target or walmart or bestbuy to buy a 360, or a ps3 for that matter. I'll probably buy one when it drops in price, but not right away. I'll probably pay full price for the Revolution, just because it will be affordable. Nintendo has said that. 400 bucks is just too much for the same thing, except with better graphics(i'm talking about the 360). I'm gonna go now.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Taste the Rainbow

So basically I'm sitting here play Black and White, when all of a sudden I'm like "I want something to drink." So I wonder around my house and go, "well, I have no pop, no juice, and I want somethign sweet." So I'm like "Maybe I should go to the store and buy a pop." So I didn't. I go back to playing Black and White, and then I'm like, "I really need a pop" so I finally go, "You know, I kinda need gas and gas is at a low of $2.29, so why not go get gas and get a pop?" So I do that. I get to the gas station and start filling and then I'm like "It's been sitting at $2.29 for the last week... I hope it didn't go up." So I look and I see that it's $2.24. I smile, and was happy. So I go in and buy a pop and pay for the pop and gas, and drove back home and sat here awhile and wondered what I should do. So I decided on updating my blog and that is what I am doing right now.

So basically I have to work at 5 today. I don't look forward to it because I will probably have to work in softlines, which is clothing for the people not up to date with store lingo. I suck in softlines. Last time i was in softlines I didn't even get to finish cause the Manager on Duty was like "You're a minor, you need to go home." and I didn't complain, but I felt bad for the other people because I had a lot left to do, and now other people had to finish it. Now in hardlines, anything else in the store, I roxor your boxors off. But no, they put me in softlines for whatever reason. I do not look forward to this night. Hopefully, by some chance, I will be in hardlines, or if I am in soflines, they will put me in Mens and Shoes. Because in Mens, very few people wonder over, and shoes is a small area that can get annoying, but atleast it's not very big. So that's my rant on working tonight.

On a happier note, Relient K's EP is apparently out. That's good news. I wonder if Target has it. Probably not. Oh well. I'll just wonder on over to the Rainbow Shop and pick myself up a copy. I also got my PS2 back a couple of days ago. I haven't played it, except i played Burnout 3 a little bit and played Darkwatch a little bit until I realized that Darkwatch was hard and annoying at some points. PS2 controler doesn't help with 1st person shooters. The layout seems nice, but somehow the PS2 controler's analog sticks are a little too touchy. It's hard to aim, in other words. The Revolution's Controler will be nice. Can't wait. But that's next year, so yeah.

I also watched the movie "Donnie Darko." That's an interesting movie. I'd recommend it. You need to watch that movie a few times to get it. And then do some reading about it. Then go to the official website, And then you might be able to fully understand it. Just kidding. You don't need to do all that. You just need to watch it. It just leaves a lot of things that make you wonder about the movie. The writer made it so you would think about it and come to your own conclusions. Now go rent it. Now. Go. Now. Ok. I'm gonna shut up.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Moon is Out

So I bought the DVD "Office Space w/Flair" today. I haven't gotten around to watching the special features. I have seen the movie, and that movie made me laugh a lot. I also bought Dark Watch today. I need to settle down on me buying video games. For one, I loaned out my PS2 to a friend, so he could play God of War. So I can't play Darkwatch, cause it's for PS2. Well i got it for the PS2. Anyways, another reason I shouldn't have bought it, is because I have Devil May Cry 3 to play and Area 51 to play. I also need to beat God of War a couple more times. Yeah. Anyways, I gotta go to youth, so I guess I'll catch you peeps on the flip side, yo. I'm not really street. I just pretend i am. That's what you call a poser.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


So basically my first draft of a 4 to 6 page report is due tomorrow. That is why I'm blogging because i'm trying to put it off... or maybe i got a thinking block, and am having some troubles. I basically have my three main topics to talk about from my thesis "Steps Theodore Roosevelt took to preserve the enviornment," and those main topics have faultered on me. We have to right our notes on note cards and we have to have 30 notecards. I have the 30 notecards of notes, but how i'm gonna put them in my report is beyound me. I also have to have 4 sources, which i have, but they faultered on me, except one. half my report came from one source, and now the rest are just not good. Well, i'm gonna go back and try and type up this report. I figure it will be best. My notecards need to have headings that fit the main topics, but now that I don't know what my main topics are anymore, that kinda faulters on me again. So I'm just gonna type and see what happens. Good night peeps. Peeps as in people and not the little easter candy things you eat.

Friday, October 28, 2005


What a great song. Silence by Blindside. I think we all need to love the silence. Spend time in Silent prayer. Silent meaning you be quiet and let God talk to you. Sometimes it's hard for people to just sit in silence. Don't know why. Are they trying to distract themselve from something they don't wanna hear, or forget? I don't know. I'm not a phsycologist. The closest thing I have to being a phsycologist is me taking a sociology class for a semester last year. I don't have much else to say, other than you should listen to Silence by Blindside. Maybe read the lyrics while you listen. Dunno. Your call.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Just sitting and waiting.

I really have nothing to blog about. Well I do it's just that I have to work on a report, that's long, and I don't want to do it, so I'm blogging. I like blogging when I have homework to do. It doesn't help with my homework situation. Sooooo... I got nothing done. I guess I could talk about Best Buy. Because we just got one here, and it wasn't that impressive. The only thing of interest is that I don't have to drive all the way down south to the rainbow shop to buy a few select CDs, since Best Buy carries them, such as Thousand Foot Krutch, or... i can't think of anymore. Used to be RK, but now they are mainstream so they are everywhere that sells Cds, basically. I think John Reuben's lastest CD was at Best Buy. I'm not positive. But seriously, Best Buy wasn't all that great. I thought it would be awsome. For one, they're customer service sucks. I swear, it was just a couple of friends and me there, and no one asked us if we needed any help finding anything. We didn't, but it shows they don't care. Then their digital camera selection isn't any bigger then Target's. I thought they would have a lot more. Basically they sell a couple of cameras we sell, and then we sell some cameras that they don't, and they sell cameras that we don't. Nothing special. I would say their video game selection isn't much larger, same thing with their DVDs. It just wasn't that impressive. They do have really comfie couches though. Those were nice. You can't buy them, but they are nice. So anyways, that's basically it. 'Nough said.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I did it, I did it!

What exactly did I do? I'll tell ye. I conquered the video game God of War. Yes. I have to say this: That has to be one of the best, if not the best, video game I have ever played in my life. I have to recomend it. If I had to give it a score out of ten, it would get a 10. Story line was fantastic, and I like them storylines that are fantastic. The game play is fantatastic, and everyone should know I like to take aggression out on things through hack and slash. I shouldn't say it's a complete hack and slash, although you do do that. You should use a combo moves, strategically. And you get powers from gods, and those are always fun to use. The most useless of them all would be the Blade of Artemis. As long as you keep upgrading your Blades of Chaos (your original weopan), you should be fine. Blades of Chaos also recieves the best weapon in a game, between being two swords on two chains lashed onto your arms, it has a story behind it. Somewhat. It's part of the story none the less. The graphics are fantastic. Really bloody game. fantastic enviournments. It's a great game. Only one flaw in it... that would be the sex near the beginning of the game. I just didn't find it coherent with the game, and could have been left out. The scene wasn't really a sex scene as it was 2 naked ladies sitting sleeping and you sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking about your past, which goes into the storyline, but they could have done something else to go into the storyline. That was the game's only real flaw.

But the storyline is very good. And apperently Universal Thinks so to, because they are gonna make a movie on the game. What's with video games being turned into movies lately. Doom, Halo, and now God of War. Hopefully they won't suck. Usually when a movie is turned into a video game, it sucks. So hopefully it won't work that way through this attempt. I need to play Halo's storyline. I heard that it's a good 'ne. Sadly I don't own an XBox. And I shouldn't own won because the only game I would play would be halo, and ninja Gaiden, and that's not worth having a huge machine sitting in my room. I have nothing against the XBox. It's just that they are pretty heavy. I've had to drag one out of the game cabnent at Target, and they are heavier then the PS2 and gamecube combined. Then again, the PS2 has a slim design now. Anyways, I need to eat because i have to be at work at 5:15. Later peeps.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So Happy It's Scary

Currently listening to Furthermore, "She and I"

Furthermore. You remember them? "Melted Vinyl" the song about super heros, "Are you the Walrus", the song about him being at a shopping center and she asks, "Are you the Walrus?" and he goes says yes, without listening. You know them. Ok maybe not. I do enjoy their CDs. Anyways, I just thought that I would update. So I am. I had something to say. I forgot. So... I will just dance instead. Although this isn't a dancable song. Not to mention I'm sitting down. Also, I'm to lazy. So I won't dance. By the way, I like your beard pete. I would be lazy and not shave, except the fact that Target probably wouldn't be keen on the idea. I have this 20 dollar check sitting in front of me. I should cash it. It's birthday money. I could go on about a rant about various things, but that would take up at least 10 pages. I'm like that. If I don't keep up on my ranting, it just piles up. If I wrote all them down, I would have a stack of papers yay high. You can't see how high, but it's a lot. I think I am gonna spend some quality time playing God of War. Sounds like a plan. I bought 80 bucks worth of video games the other week and i haven't gotten around to playing them... granted it is only two games. I need to stop working so much, and play video games. That would be a great idea. I worked 35 hours last week... I put down that I want an average of 20 and a max of 30! Goodness me. Granted I did get called in for one day, to work for someone that was sick. Oh vell. Life goes on. Did you kwon taht the hmaun bairn can raed wrods as lnog as the lsat and frsit lteters are in the crorcet plcae and all the letetrs are tehre? It's true. So if you are doing a word scramble, try to get the first and last letters first.
Good day mates.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Hello everybody. What's goin' down? Nothing? Ok. Typical response to any of the following questions: "What's up?" "What's Going Down?" "What'd you do today?" "What'd you do [insert any previous time]?" "What's the squareroot of zero?". yeah. And what's the typical response after "nothing"? "That's good." Anyways, it's my birthday. Today was a good day considering I flunked a spanish test, and i don't htink we did to well on our presentation. Oh well. It was a good day, overall. I think it's because I didn't have to work.

It snowed here, in North Dakota. Crazy. I swear, there was no fall. There was summer, and then winter came. Actually I think there was one day of fall. That day was Monday. Then it kinda skipped over to winter. It snowed a lot. Lots of schools didn't have school... but Bismarck is anti snow day, so we have to go to school... but then again we didn't get 3 feet of snow like Dickenson, and our power didn't go out, like many other places. I went to shcool this morning, and was walking through the parking lot, and the parking lot has a bunch of dips, and so there was a large puddle, or a lake as i like to call it, and I'm like "I need to walk around it" so i did, and there was some snow on the edge, and so i decided to follow the snow, and the snow collapse, and i went ankle deep in water. My feet were wet all day. So my feet have been cold, cause I took off my socks, and they got cold. So now I'm wearing puppy slippers... just because I wear puppy slippers, it doesn't make me less of a man... don't judge, the Bible tells you not to. Hehe. My feet are warm though. Ooooo, I also got a dollar raise, at work. That's fantastic. Not because of my birthday, it just that a lot of people were promised raises, and didn't get it, so now they are giving a dollar raises to a lot of people. I'm happy bout that. I'm kinda running out of things to update on. I'm kinda just sitting here looking at the screen. I could rant, but that take up a lot of posting space, so I'll just save rants for another time. Later

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Um.... let's see. Well we have a project due for pagent tomorrow, which I had to work with a partner(I hate partners, but at least I got a good partner that does his part of the work). We worked on it for two hours on monday and two hours today. Joyful. We got the main things doen in class, but we had a couple of things left. I had to finish up our "Propaganda" which was just a pamplet. I had everything I needed, except for pictures, and I needed to type the words. So I got that done... except I just finished doing that, and I worked until 10:30... tis now 1145. I found the pictures right away, it's just I had to print them on our laptop, and my floppy drive kept ticking me off, and the laptop kept ticking me off, and well, I don't like being ticked off by computers. That ticks me off. I got it done... well kinda sorta. I have to cut out the pictures and text, and paste them onto this paper, that looks like a pamplet. Joyful. I'll do that tomorrow during lunch. Joyful. I get to spend my lunch cutting and pasting stuff, and making sure that I am ready for my presentation.

On a joyful note, my birthday is tomorrow. 17 years of age. Wow. I'm treating it like a normal day tomorrow. Why? Because it will be... except in pagent people will sing to me, because my teachers had to check whose birthday is when. Joyful. As much as being sung to is joyful, people don't mean it. At least not in pagent class, where no one knows me. Joyful. I wish I could go up to see my grandma this week end, but I have to work on sunday. It's kinda a non joyful week for me. I mean a presentation on a subject I could care less about, not being able to go up and see my grandma, working 5 days in a row, although I have 4 days off now. Maybe I'll feel more joyful tomorrow, or thurday or friday since i don'thave to work. Or sat. I almost forgot that. Maybe I should plan a birthday bash this weekend. Just have a couple of friends over and play video games, watch movies, and the such. Nothing fancy, just things that I like to do to relax. Yeah I think I'll do that. It's making me feel better. More joyful. Blogging is helping me feel better. I'm glad I decided to stay up and extra 15 minutes to blog. I'll just have to go up to see my grandma another weekend though. So far I've gotten a couple of presents. I've gotten 20 bucks from the grandma i've been talking about, and I got some special car rugs from my other grandma. They're special because they were custom made, and have my name on them and something like "celebrate the graduate of 2007" or something like that. My grandma is getting me a lot of things custom made. She gave me a pen with my initials for Christmas last year, and last year for my b-day she gave me a keychain that said "dont drive faster then your gardian angel can fly", and it had my name on the back. I treasure these gifts. I don't want to put the rugs in my car, because I don't want to get them all muddy and ruined. She'll probably tell me not to worry about it. My brother and mom got me a video game. She went to Target today and asked me what I wanted and bought it for me. I wonder what my dad will get me. That's always a mystery, but never a dissappointment. He usually buys it like 6 months in advance. He probably already has my Christmas Present. Yay! Happy Birthday to me. It is currently 12:01 am. Now I can go out and watch R rated movies and buy M rated video games. Joyful.

Well, I'm gonna go. This post has made me feel a lot better. Have a Joyful day, no sarcastic on the joyful.

Monday, October 03, 2005

If I had to guess, nothing can be understood

How long has it been? 9 days? It's been awhile. Man. what happened to the day when i had nothing to do, so I blogged several times a day, everyday? Oh well. I realize I haven't complained about any teachers this year, yet. Usually my teachers are good at teaching, but this year I have the worst teachers in this one class. It is American Pagent (combines english 11 and US History into one class, for two hours, for the whole year). Now I'm thinking, why did I take this class? Really, the concept isn't all the great. English 11 and History. Sure they can be related, but I am gaining nothing from it, considering there is probably more stuff to do. Sigh. But the teachers. They're nice teachers, but they are horrible teachers. Goodness me. They are best friends, so they like to babble on about things that don't matter, and they like what they do a little to much. It's good to like what you teach, but when you get a freaking heartattack over "Transidentalism" and "Romanticism", and you love maps a little too much, you have passed that "like what you teach" into "you are teaching it horribly" zone. The english teacher, actually makes the transidentalists sound like a bunch of hyprocrites, and they probably weren't. She loves them, but when she teaches about them, they sound like Hyprocrites, and I probably could use a little spelling lession. I like Romanticism, at least I like Poe, as you well know. I dislike the transidentalists, but maybe it's because this is my first year I've heard about them, and the teachers suck at teaching about them. I'm just disgusted by them. And I have to tolerate with them for two hours a day for the whole year. Not for one semester, not for only an hour, but two hours a day for a whole year! This is going to be a long year.

On a different note before I think about bringing rocks to school, I do have some great teachers, like my math teacher. I always have a great math teacher... except freshmen year. That was a fluke though. I'm probably making a too big of deal over this Pagent thing. Hopefully it'll get better. Anything else? I don't think so. I've been working for the past 5 days. But after tomorrow, I have 4 days off. YIPPY! I'm gonna go. Bye. You don't have to leave.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Busier than a monkey with a handfull of feicies

Target was fun today. Joyful. Busy. We had three people working in camera for about an hour, and all three of us were helping guests. Guests... hehe... do you care if you are called a customer? I've had someone comment on me calling them a guest. They were like "So we're guests now, huh?" and I'm like "yeah." I've also had an old man tell me creepy stories... more like sick stories, but yeah. That's not from today. I was too busy to listen to old men talk about sick stories... yuck. I sold a bunch of stuff today. Yesterday someone bought 2 LCD tvs. Crazy. Anyways, work has been busy for the past two days, and I could not have gotten through it without my brother. He helped me zoned (pretty much zoned for me actually) yesterday, and he was scheduled to work in camera with me today. Big help there. No sarcasm.

To comment back on Molly's comment about poe, I thought he married his 13 year old cousin? Either way, it was young. It was a happy marriage though. Poe was actually happy during the time she was alive. Then he got depressed again and died in front of a bar with someone elses clothes on. Intriguing (I love that word), isn't it?

When was the last time I updated? I forget these things because of what goes on in my head and what I actually blog. There's a fine line. A very fine line, indeed. Monday? Yeah that's right. Poe, and Gump. Right. It came back to me. I'm hungry. Mmm... chicken. Who doesn't love chicken? No one! Even vegitarians eat it. Ok, so I lied, but if they would eat one meat, it would definitely be chicken. You should check out my website. I updated it with some pictures and stuff. I'll upload more pictures and stuff. Since my dad got a new digital camera, which he got our best camera at Target for 60% off (long story about how he got at 60% off), I can make my flash thing I was gonna do. Yep.

These last two years have been great, for CDs. You got the Grits, TobyMac, Relient K, Blindside, John Reuben, Thousand Foot Krutch, Switchfoot, Juliana Theory. There's more. I just can't think of more at the moment. But I do have to eat, so I'll talk to you later alligator. I'll probably blog later tonight, knowing me.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Partially Politically Correct

What's goin' on? You doin' well? I hope so. Basically I read a little of the Edger Allan Poe. That was good. He has a massive vocabulary. I read the "House of Usher." I read it for school, but then I got out my "The Works of Edgar Allan Poe" book, and the next story to read was "The Fall of the House of Usher" so I read it again. It is probably a good thing to read his stories twice through. I just writes so well, that you have to. Good story. The next story is "The Pit and the Pendulum" (i am still a horrible speller and I am to lazy to look it up). I've read that one last year, but my goal is to read all the short storied by him in this book, this year. So far I've read three... I have about a dozen or so to go. I am dissappointed that "Hop Frog" isn't in there. We read that one for school, and I wish it was in my works of poe book. But then again, it's available on the Internet for you to read in your free time... in fact I think this is where my teachers printed it off from: if you go to google and type in "hop frog" it's the first link. the address is really long.

Hmm... what else is there. Well I also watched Forest Gump today. That's a good movie. I remembered little about the movie when I watched it when I was 4 and I had an urge to watch it now. All I remembered from when I was four, was the box of chocolates line, and him running as a kid which the braces on... that's basically all I remembered. Great movie though, now that I watch it now.

That's basically all that is new. I've pretty much been working and going to school. That really sucks. I now realize how you can get stressed out. But it's days like these that I appreciate where i can just rest. YAY! I don't have to work until 4:45 tomorrow, which means I don't have to hurry and get to work from school! :). Joyful. Have a great day, night or afternoon, depending on when you read this.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Emotion is Dead

I have listened to the Juliana Theory "The Deadbeat Sweetheart", and have come up with a review. Could this possibly be the follow up CD to "Emotion is Dead" for TJT fans? I mean "Love" was an alright CD. The songs flowed together nicely (except Into the Dark, which was kinda just thrown in there), and the songs were pretty good, but it just seemed... average. The EP, "Music from Another Room" was good, but that was just songs that didn't make the cut for Emotion is Dead. I think most TJT fans will agree with me that "Emotion is Dead" and the EP were some of Juliana's best albums, and we were kinda dissappointed by "Love." But what about "Deadbeat Sweetheart?" Is this the album we were waiting for? The answer is Yes. 48 minutes and 46 seconds of great music. The songs flow together nicely, the music is awsome, and the lyrics are great, along with Brett's voice. Charles wondered about "French Kiss Off" being the last songs, but I think they made a good choice. Basically, there's a bonus track after "French Kiss Off" but you have to fast forward to after French Kiss Off, and I wish bands would just add the freaking song to the album, and have it have its own track. It gets kinda annoying to fast forward after a song, to hear a song.
So the question has to be answered: Is their best album? I don't know. Honestly, I have to give it more time. But if I were you, I would pick this one up. So go now.
As for Switchfoot, I haven't even listened to it all the way through, and I wasn't really paying much attention to listening to it, when I listened to it. I was busy doing homework. But Stars is an awsome song. I'm gonna go before I blabber too much, which i probably already did.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hold Shift

Ok, ok. I figured this out, without using tape. Please see previous post to figure out what I am talking about. Anyways, to get by that protection crap, just hold shift, and insert the CD, and it shouldn't read anything. See, when you insert the CD, the computer reads everything, and that's when it'll read the error. But if you hold shift, it doesn't read anything. So once you do that, wait a couple of seconds, let go of shift, and open your program you want to rip the music from, or copy. I would rip and then just burn the music to a CD, because if you copied, you would also copy the error file. So, yeah I got it. Now I burned both CDs (I got Simple Plan way back when it came out, so it's about time I burned it to a CD so I can rip it to my computer, or just play it without fear of ruining one of the sides). I'm joyful now.

Dear Norton,
I appreciate you trying to protect my computer, and you have done a great job doing so. The problem is that you do it too well, and I must tell you that you should let me control what programs to allow, but instead you block things, that aren't a threat, and I have no way of making it work. I tunes for example. You ask me if I should allow the program, when i start it, and I say yes, and then nothing happens. Nothing. Notta. I try again, and nothing. And then I try to shut down, and it takes forever (like 15 minutes, or not at all) for my computer to shut down. To use Itunes, I must disable you. You have done it with other programs too. I just wanted to let you know about this.

And I wish that Norton would read this, but it won't. It would just block it. Why do i post it? I don't know. Bye bye my good audience.
CD Protection

In this day and age, people have to be able to rip music from audio cds. It's a must. Why? Because people own these inventions called "MP3 Players." Yeah. I know. Amazing technology. Enough of me being sarcastic. But seriously, it's a must. I have me Ipod, and I need to take CDs that I purchase and rip them onto my harddrive, and then import them onto my IPod. I would also like to get the best quality. So, the first Copy protected cd i encountered was Simple Plan's CD. Basically, the put an error in the table of contents, and if there is an error, most CD drives won't try to read the CD. Most CD players don't look at the table of contents, so it works in CD players and not in your Computer. I don't have Simple plan on my IPod, yet, but since the other side of the CD is a DVD, and i just downloaded a DVD audio ripper, I shall have the audio. Now, i've done this before, and the SImple Plan CD has the .IFO files (the ones your DvD player can read) in seperate tracks, so it makes for easy identification for songs. Well, Switchfoot's new CD, has Copy protection, and has a DVD side. The problem is that the DVD side has seperated the tracks into 3 songs per IFO file... so I can't really do much, if I want to pick what song I want to listen to, and I do.

Basically, Sony (which is one of the record companies that do this) is screwing themselves over. The idea is to stop pirating, when I see on the internet, people won't even buy the CD, they'll just download it via P2P program, for free. Basically, it ticks me off because I paid 13 bucks (it's originally 16 bucks, but it's on sale) for a music CD, that I want to put onto my IPod, and enjoy it that way. But no. I can't. Ticks me off. There is a way to rip them though. Apparently, you can wrap eletrical tape around the outside, to just before the visible line (you should be able to see it if you look closely) and fold the tape over the other side, and it should play. I don't know. This is a double sided CD/DVD. I hope I don't ruin the DVD side when I fold the extra tape over. I don't know if I'm gonna do that method. But the point is, in this day of age, people need to be able to rip music, or at least have make the CD compatable with ITunes, or something so you can import it to your IPod or MP3 player.

But what are you gonna do? You pay the money, and figure out that if this CD get's ruined, you have to buy a new one. You can't just burn another copy. Now if you excuse me, I have some taping to do.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I should go to bed, because I have to get up for first period tomorrow, because I have to write a report, which has to be 4 pages long... yeah. Well the teachers assigned it on Monday to be due on Wed, but they were gonna give us time in class to do them. I didn't know what the heck was going on and I wanted to just relax, so i didn't do it on monday night. They gave us an hour (it's a 2 hour class) to work on it, and I got 2 pages done. See, they shared examples which was greatly appreciated by me, and I knew what the heck was goin on then. The sad news is that I had to work tonight, so I haven't gotten any more then the 2 pages done. Now it's due tomorrow... a rough draft, but basically that's your complete essay. It's a creative essay, which I like. But like i said, I had 1 hour to do it, and now I have to go to school earlier just so I can finish it. I guess I don't have to go to school an hour early, I could just do it at home... but I can get a good parking spot if I went when school actually started. Plus i do homework better at school. Dunno why; just do.

Speaking of tonight, we recieved the new Juliana Theory CD today, and I haven't gotten to listen to it yet. I am excited though. I already ripped it to my harddrive, and have it uploaded to my Ipod. I plan on picking up Switchfoot's new CD tomorrow. I am very excited about that one. Switchfoot is just awsome, and the song "Stars" is awsome. Go to their website and watch the video, now! Also I can check my checking account online now. You have to go through a process to do that. I finally got the confirmation email. So now I also confirmed my paypal account, and now I am a sponsor of Red Vs blue, whcih means I get their videos 3 days early, and they are in HI Res. Exciting. I also plan on buying the Secret of Mana DVD, which the person has a weird process for ordering stuff. YOu have to donate a certain amount of money through paypal, and then send an email to him/her (I don't know. I think it's a her) tell the person what you want. I'm like, Get a store! Gosh. I have to wait for paypal though to transfer funds. Bah. Paypal sucks, but now I can buy stuff... which is a bad thing because now i have to work to get money back, which interferes with essays. Also I have a test in the class tomorrow, also. That sucks. A report due and a test. They really expect a lot from a high school kid. Stressful. As a plus, day off tomorrow, and a Bolivia meeting... or maybe Orlean meeting... depends what we vote on.

I need to sleep for purposes I just told you about. Night monks.

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Scoop

I guess I haven't mentioned Hurricane Katrina at all. It isn't because I haven't heard about, but I just hate the news. I want to know more about the effects of Katrina, but I don't want to hear it from the news. I finally found somewhere that I can get some information, first hand. My brother showed the Journal to me. It's at this site: They have a live webcam, and photos, and this guy updates his journal often. Their building lasted throughout the storm, and they've kept journaling.

I don't have much else to say really, except that today was a horrible day to drive. I got stuck near horrible drivers. Yuck. Well I'm gonna go.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Codeword: Dirtbag

Hmm... What is there to blog about? Well I could tell you I've been sick for the past couple days, and I am still sick. I had a runny nose on Friday. I thought you would appreciate knowing that. I mean like it was running out of my nose. Yum. I also went to the PowWow on Friday. I would have enjoyed it more if I weren't sick. But I was. So I didn't enjoy it as much. I had to work that night, but it wasn't so bad. I also was sick yesterday and I had to work. But i was not feeling so good for the first half of my shift. Then I got a little better. Today I feel better, although I cough every now and then and my voice still sounds a little funny. Today is Sept. 11, if you didn't realize that. um... that's basically all there is to blog about. I picked up a shift today when i have to go to in about 30 minutes. Bash. I'm gonna go.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I-Tripped over the radio station.

Get it. I-Trip, as in the FM Transmitter for the IPod, and I tripped. Get it. It's not funny. I know. Soo... I bought one of these doohickies, and it's been pretty good to me. I also bought a car adapter for the IPod, but nothing special about that. If you don't know, the Itrip is a little thingy that allows you to have your IPod broadcasted to a FM radio station, so you can listen to your IPod through speakers, if your speakers have FM Radio. I bought the more expensive one, the one made by Griffin Technology, thinking that I would get the best quality. It seems a little fuzzy once in awhile. Plus you have to turn your radio up fairly loud. I play CDs in my car at 15, and that's loud pretty loud sounding, but to produce that loudness, I gotta turn it up to 30, with the IPod. So it's not perfect, but it's pretty good. It's worth the money. 25 bucks. I also don't like that your radio station become part of your music files... meaning that if i have my IPod on shuffle, it could land on one of the radio frequencies. I also think that it sucks more battery out of it... but whatever. I just landed on the first radio station, on shuffle. It makes a beeping sound through the speakers. To activate the frequency, you play the frequency (like 89.9 or whatever is empty) and the the LED light blinks rapidly and you need to pause it then (the "tracks" are 5 second tracks so you have to pause it before the time is up) you can start playing songs. It's magic. I don't understand the technology of it, even. And i consider myself fairly techonology savvy... savvy... hehe. Sweet! This car adapter comes with a firewire cable! Sure it's for the little thing that plugs into your cigarette lighter place, but oh well... then again i don't have a fire wire port... so basically I don't know why I said sweet. So if the Itrip does suck battery, I can now charge it in my motorized vehicle.

I had some problems with ITunes last night. I was gonna upload the radio stations, but when I opened ITunes, it need to be updated. So I did, and basically I downloaded the file and reinstalled ITunes, but with a more updated version. Well, I do this and get it all installed, and I double click on the Icon and nothing happens. I mean squat happens. So after uninstalling it and installing it about 5 times, with no luck, I look around and I finally catch something today. Well, it seems that Norton likes to block ITunes. So I restarted and disabled Norton, and it worked. Yeah. So if you run into a problem like that, now you know that it is Norton's fault.

You know what sucks? Getting paid 33 bucks, for working at your job. My last paycheck at Miracle Mart: $33 bucks and some cents. I worked one day and for only 5.75 hours. Yeah, I know. Wow.

I gotta go mow the lawn. Bye. Later.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I need sleep

So I should be sleeping right now, but my tummy isn't feeling well, and lying down only makes it worse and I can't sleep, so i decided to blog. Apparently if I mention something little in a post, people comment about it. Wierd. Paragraphs... hehe. I don't even use paragraphs correctly. I just make them whenever i deem it necissary. Oh well. I'm rambling without even knowing what I am saying, because i am very tired and my tummy no feel well. I had to work at Target apparently. I wasn't sure. I went to Target on my lunch break, and I checked the schedule, and it said i had to work today. I was greatly grieved. As a plus, I got to work in electronics... I heart electronics. Although i almost forgot to turn in the keys... that would have been a bumber.

I have these off periods of being sick all of a sudden. Like i was sick the last time I posted... or was that the time before. I don't keep track anymore. I was working today, and my stomach started hurting, and then it went away, and now it feels worse. Sad times. I don't know if I am psycho... then again I don't no if annomynous is creepy. Creepy... hehe. Creepy. I think i use the word creepy, because it's night and i really should get some sleep, and somehow that reminds me of the word creepy.

I think I'll go back to not using paragraphs. People comment on them. Oddly, people i don't know. I really don't feel good. I think i might vomit, or something. Blogging isn't helping this stomach problem. When you were young, did you guys go "My dad can beat up your dad"? If so, I feel left out. No one challenged me to that. I never got a chance to say that. Oh well. I tell you what though, if my dad was the Hulk, I would be the king of that.

I'm gonna get some sleep... I hope. I don't remember what I typed for the past fifteen minutes.

Monday, September 05, 2005

I ran out of good titles

I ran out of titles to pick, when I have nothing to talk about. I guess I could put people reading my blog, that I don't know. That's kinda weird. I thought I was the only one to go around the internet to random places. Apparently I'm not the only one. I a different key, (get it, people go 'on a different note', and i said 'key.' See it's referring to musical terms.) The Juliana Theory is coming out with a CD in a week and one day. My bro and I preordered it so it gets autographed, and we get a DVD. I'm kinda excited about it. I heart Juliana Theory. Charles isn't as excited as I am, but I haven't listened to a whole lot of their new songs. I like My Heart is a Soldier. So far, that's the best one in my opinion. Then again, I've only heard 3 of their new songs.

I'm really getting into making new paragraphs, as you can tell. Paragraphs make your blog nice and neat. I like neat. My car isn't neat. Can someone clean it for me? And when you do, wash the inside of my windsheild. It's really dirty, and I almost hit things when the sun is shining through it, like in the morning when I leave for school. Well, i have some things to do with the website. These things include various things that need to be done on the website. If you want to find out what these things include, check out the website. Yes I'm gonna advertise to you, yet again. Now you shouldn't have any excuses.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Arg... ahg... blah...

Man. I don't feel so good. My throat feels scratchy. It doesnt hurt, it just feels scratchy. My nose has been running for awhile, and I can't catch it (i think i used that pun a while ago... can't remember. Might have been last winter.). My head hurt during work for a while. It doesn't hurt now. My tummy is not feeling well. I don't know. I'm tired, but that's because of getting up early for the last week or so. Anyways, I suppose you don't want to hear about me not feeling great.

I was looking into buying an FM Modulator for my IPod. I have options. I think I'll go with the ITrip. It's about 8 bucks more then the other one, but I think it'll be better. Plus I'll buy a car charger for this babe. Babe... I'm spacing out... I think I'll...

So tomorrow is labor day and I have to work. Why is it called Labor Day? It should be called, Not Laboring Day... or something like that. I have to labor, but I get paid wage and a half, which computes to nine bucks an hour. I forget when I work... is it 5:30 or 5? I dunno. All I know is I get to sleep in tomorrow... mmm, sleep. Me like that idea.

So website has been updated a little more. You should check it out. I didn't get to finish the current news post, because I got confused, about what time I had to go to work. I knew that I had to be at work at 1:45 (puzzles me too) but I was thinking that I had to leave at that time, because I usually have to be at work on the hour... coherent? I don't know. I'm not feeling well and Im tired. You are not gonna get coherency (I've used that non-word before too). But yeah, visit website. I'll post a link somewhere in this paragraph. You'll know. It'll be the only link in this paragraph. Also there is a link in my Links called "My Site!" I think.

Umm... I don't know. I'm chilling listening to my Iped and stuff. I'm also updating my blog. my iped is on shuffle. yeah. slushie. My ending statement is slushie. Slushie.


Saturday, September 03, 2005


Do I have anything to say? No. Why am I posting? Dunno. We shall see though. We shall see.

Well... orange juice is good. Ipods are good. Video games are good. Bubbles are good. Family Guy is good. I'll tell you what's not good: Cars. Cars are evil. If you can avoid it, don't get a car. I made the mistake of getting one, and now I have to put up with people that don't use blinkers, and are horrible drivers in general. Don't get me started on gas prices. Wow... 3.19 a gallon. That's horrible. I've decided I'm gonna invest into a motorcycle license. I'll probably not go through with it, just because I don't have a motorcycle, or the money for one. My cousin in law has a motorcycle, and she gets 90 miles to the gallon... or was it 50? Probably the latter. Anyways, it's a lot more then 25 miles to the gallon. I haven't had to fill up my tank yet, with this over 3 bucks a gallon thing, but i might have to. I'm at a half a tank. I'm gonna have the first hydrogen station. Yeah, then the car companies can start selling their hydrogen cars, because they can't say there isn't any stations. That's what the president should do: force car companies to mass produce hyrogen cars, and build hyrogen stations. Maybe that's not a good idea, because maybe the cars will cost lots of money. I don't know. I've done no research on these cars, further than what I see on TV, and other good stuff like that. I only catch snippets of it. I'm gonna leave now before I choke myself with my own words. Bye.

EDIT: And this is why I am right:
"The engines, which are almost silent when the engine is running, can manage 62 miles per gallon of hydrogen and have a range of 190 miles."
They are talking about 2010. Hopefully. And guess what? There are 16 stations and 15 more are planned. I think this is in California. Arnold is doing this business. And that is all I have to say, because I'll probably not see a hydrogen car until 2010. Bye, again

Friday, September 02, 2005

One Week!? What!?

So the first full week of school is over... what? It seems like a freaking month... it's only been a week. I'm greatly grieved by this. I mean, only one week went by. Man. This week went really really slow. Oh well. Hopefully the rest of the school year will go faster. I can only hope. Tomorrow is my last day at Miracle mart, so I can be happy about that. I go the day off today, so I'm happy. I updated my website with some stuff. If you missed last times post, I put a link to it in my handy link bar, over thar. I didn't get a whole lot done with the site. I did fix a little problem that I've been having trouble with, and I got some files uploaded. currently I am taking up 32 mb, out of my 2 gb, space. or 2000 mb, if you want to keep it in the same units. So yeah.
Well I'm gonna chillza like mozilla. Peace out peeps.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

You feeling it? The energy?

So I'm just kickin' it, and listening to TobyMac's "Renovating the Diverse City". I said I probably wouldn't buy it the first day it came out, and I didn't... i bought it the second day. I would've bought it on the first day if I didn't have to work. Basically, I heard some clips of the songs, and I went, "Wow... this is a lot better then his previous remix album." His first remix, which was of Momentum, wasn't that great. This one is great. I actually think some of the songs are better then the originals. I like Ill-M-I, remixed better then the original. I already uploaded this cd onto my IPod, then I'm like, "Maybe my Ipod needs to be charged". It needs to charge through your USB port, so I decided to take some time to do that. It was only half way, but when it takes awhile to charge.

I'm in a really good, and energetic mood. Maybe it is because I only had a waffle cone ice cream cone, for lunch, and between the sugar and the hunger sensation, I have a lot of energy... maybe. I don't know. I'm not a professional. Although I have a website., which I am going to work on tonight, since I don't have to work. Mmmm, food. I'm Hungry. I hope food is soon.

Peace out, and check in at the site, because I'm gonna upload everything I can tonight.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Give me a break, give me a piece of that kik-kat bar

I'm taking a break from my report. For a half an hour I'm like "Ok, experience that shaped me as a person", 5 paragraphs." Well I thought of several events that shaped my life... But none could be stretched to 5 paragraphs. Then I'm like, "This is retarded" because that's what I say about things that take really long thinking, and I end up just dragging the paper out, to try to make the requirements. So I finally thought of something, and it's a good one. It was when I moved here. That was my original idea, but I couldn't think of much to stretch it to 5 paragraphs, so I'm like thinking for a long time about all the events, and what not, and I re reviewed them, and I finally came up with some stuff for the moving here thing. Right now I'm at 3 and half paragraphs, and I have more stuff to write down, so it's going good. Spanish project is still retarded. That one is just retarded... No need to drag out anything, it's just retarded because the teacher's definition of "fun" is "Make students do retarded things, and speak in Spanish to the other students." I don't mind speaking my classmates in Spanish, mainly because no one really cares about what you are saying, so they don't try to translate in their head; it's just the part with "do retarded things" like the music. I really pulled a song out of my head and I went "Mario Theme" so I downloaded it and I'm gonna like burn it to a CD or something... I don't kinda a waste of a CD still. I'm really just repeating myself, from what I said in my previous post. I just really don't want to finish... although I was on a streak. Ok I'm gonna finish.

And remember: If you are a shy person, the best thing to do is to be kind to new kids, and ask if they would like to eat lunch with them. They know nothing about you, and you know nothing about them, so you've got nothing to loose, except you've beaten your shyness.
First Monday

Basically, this was the first Monday of school. I think from now on, I'm gonna sleep in on Mondays (since I have first period off). I did that today. I won't tomorrow, because I'll do homework. That extra hour made a big difference. I mean, I was actually not tired. So yeah. If you haven't heard, I got a website. So go there and look at it. Nothing is really on it yet. I haven't had a lot of time within the last few days to do anything. Between school and work, I've found only enough time to upload what's there. I would do it tonight, but it's my day off, and I have a report due on Wednesday, and I work tomorrow, so bah. Let's see... I have Wed. off. That's happy news. And maybe, I won't be too busy to miss youth again. I swear, I'm way too busy, since the only change is that I got a job. Speaking of which, Target is going great. All the people that work there are nice. At Miracle Mart, some of the workers seemed a little... not happy. Some of the people are but some aren't. You know. Especially the managers. Like two of them are nice. maybe three. Well, it doesn't matter to me, because I'm done with the job this Saturday. YAY! So I have a report to do, and I have to do this speech thing for spanish. It's really, really stupid. We have to do a dating type service thing. We have to have some sort of music that matches the personality. You can make up information if you want. But really, I got no music that I can think of. I think I'm gonna use the mario theme song. Just because I'm gonna talk about how I like video games. I mean when you think about it, the mario theme has become the music theme for video games. That works, right? Anywho, I gotta go download that, and put it on a CD. I have to put one song on a CD. Kinda a waste of money. I could put it on a CD RW... but it might not work in the CD player... which wouldn't be a bad thing. The whole thing is stupid in my opinion, and everyone else in my class. The thing has to be in spanish, which is the only thing really related to spanish. *sigh*. At least it only has to be 1 minute. We have to present it, and have the music play in the background.

Come school year, come complaints about teacher's teaching habits, come more posts.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Places I have come to fear the most

School started today. I have a feeling this year is gonna be a stressful year for me. Mainly because i have a job this year. Let's see, I have first period off, which means I can sleep in, if i so choose. I may just go and do homework. That'll help. I also have fourth off, which means, if you want to do lunch with me, call me around 11:20, and we can do lunch. I'd like that. Why can I do that? Well, we have two lunch periods... we as in the school. Half the students eat at one lunch, and the other half eats at the other time. Anywho, fourth period is the branching point there. So I have an hour and a half for lunch. I have webpage design 2nd period, and algebra 2 third. Fairly easy classes, at least the webpage design. I always thought math was fairly easy. Moving on. The second half of my day is the worst part. That's when I have spanish III, which I'll have homework in, and American Pagent, which combines english 11 with US History, into two periods... they're taught together basically. I expect that to have a bunch of homework, projects, and speeches. Blah. Maybe this year won't be so bad. I do have those two periods off, to do homework. Well I'm off. I might have some webspace tomorrow, whcih means I'll have a website. But I have to work tomorrow night... for 3 hours. It's kinda worthless. That's at Miracle Mart. Speaking of them, they kinda ticked me off today. I went to get my paycheck, and it was upstairs in accounting (it's usually at the service counter). Well, it was up there because they wanted to talk to me about why i didnt go to a mandatory safety meeting. Well, I didn't know about it. Why? All they did was put a little sign about it, at the top of the stairs, and it must have been done after I worked, because I only work on Fri, and Sat, and I usually notice new signs. So they either need to A. Advertise meetings better, or B. Advertise meetings more in advance. I probably was working at Target anyways. Plus I only have two weeks, or 4 working days, left of working at the crappy job. Pretty much, I dislike all the front end manager's there. Well I'm done with my rant about how I hate Miracle Mart. Bye bye.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It's done

So I've finally put all my CDs onto my IPod. A grand total of 2.07 gbs, and 605 Songs. I have 1.70 gbs left and about 400 songs. I'm gonna give you a little review of the IPod Mini with 4 GBs of space. That's about 1000 songs. They come in 3 colors: pink, blue, green, and the white. They are quite small, about the size of your palm. It has a nice screen, and has the option of setting your backlight. So you can play music in the dark. It has a hold switch, which makes it so if you push the buttons, nothing happens. Has verious EQ sets, like bass boost, rap, vocals, rock, etc. It comes with 4 games, which are actually pretty fun, if you are waiting for the bus, airplane, movie, etc. The Music Quiz games, plays clips of songs from your IPod, and you have to choose, outa four choices, which one it is. The controls on it is just a circular pad, witha button in the middle. The button in the middle is the function button, while the pad is used to highlight what song you want. The pad also has 4 buttons under it, one for menu, next, previous, and play/pause. The Ipod mini comes with a USB cable and software, headphones (which are pretty good quality), a belt clip, and the IPod, of course. You need to use ITunes to upload the music, which is easy to do. The thing is that when you first use it, it'll take all the music on your hardrive, and convert the files for you, without warning. If your Ipod is connected, it'll do that too automatically. Which kinda sucks, if you don't want all the music on your hardrive on the IPod. But you can change the option to manually do it. Also, make sure Windows XP has all its updates. Itunes won't work, unless it is. The IPod makes it easy to veiw songs through, Artist, Album, or Genre, or you can create playlists. Or you can just veiw all yoru songs at once. There is also a Shuffle function, which plays your songs in a random order. Awsome stuffs. If you have lots of music, you should get an IPod. Well, I'm gonna go. School tomorrow :P
I Spy...

I finally got this thing called, Itunes to work, thanks to my brother who made it so I could update windows. After we got that business finished, we just reinstalled everything and it works and I was up til 2 in the morning uploading music to it, and i only got 20 CDs done. I have about 20 more to upload. But that IPod is sweet. It has games like Brick, Parachute, Solitaire and a game like "Name that tune" where it takes songs from your Ipod, and plays a clip and you have to guess what song. Well, I'm gonna go listen to more music while I eat lunch.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's official: Apple and Microsoft both suck

So I go down to Target and buy an IPod Mini. I was excited and had it opened before I got home and was ready to get all the software installed. Well set up seemed easy and it did everything for me, and it even got my autorun to work again. It asked me to restart, so i did, and after the restart, I was gonna upload my music. Well I try to load Itunes.... except nothing happened. Nothing. Not even an error, just nothing. Mouse goes to be busy for a second and stops, and that's all that happens. So I'm like "What the duce!?" So pretty much, Itunes has been making me mad for the past 45 minutes and I've searched the freaking internet for this problem, and squat comes up. So I paid 200 bucks for an IPod which I can't do anything with because Itunes is the only freaking way to get songs on it! So I have an address book and a calander... that's 200 bucks... and it makes me mad... yeah. I reinstalled Itunes so many times... I'm gonna try again... if you guys know of anything to help me with this problem, PLEASE tell me.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Are we getting anywhere?

I just have something to say about this email I just received, and I recieved a little over a year ago. This email, you are suppose to send it with no subject, and it talks about a film that depicts Jesus and his Desciples as homosexuals. You are suppose to sign your name, and when it reaches 500 names, and hopefully it'll get banned in the US. Well, the email has reached 300 and some, according to this, and about a year and a half ago, when I recieved it, it had 200. Well I signed the first one and sent it to a bunch of people, and well, this one does not have my signature on it. So I'm wondering, "are we getting anywhere with this?" Then I wondered, wouldn't we have heard something of this movie, which is titled "Corpus Christi" which means "The Christ Body", by now? It's been a year and a half since I recieved the first email of it. So I did research on this. According to one site, the movie was suppose to come out in 2001! They have declared that this movie was just a hoax. In fact, this rumor started 15 years ago in a magazine! But as I read other sites, There is a play called "Corpus Christi." But that was back in 1998, and there is and was never any plan to make it into a movie, as the email says. The play is by Terrence McNally, and the lead character is named "Joshua" and his home town is Corpus Christi Texas. BUT, the play is base on, kinda, of the life of Jesus. Josua is suppose to be Jesus. Here, I'll just quote this site, it'll be easier:

Here, in a nutshell is how Terrence McNally revised it:. Jesus and his apostles open the proceedings by explaining their roles. They are all presented as ordinary people in professions ranging from hairdresser and hustler to the usual doctor-lawyer-indian chief professions. The "real" story is all there -- Nativity, the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper -- but with substitutions to add the right degree of up-to-date relevancy. True to the title, Joshua is born in a motel room and grows up in the playwright's own home town of Corpus Christi, Tex.
-Curtain up.
Yes, it depicts Josua and his desciples as homosexuals. So we should ban this from the US... except it has already been in the US, since 1998. It is still playing to this date.
Basically, this play asks the question, "What if Jesus came in the 1950's and born in Texas, and was homosexual?" So is this play really gonna be banned if it has been playing for 7 years? Probably not.

Basically I thought I would figure this out, since I got two of the same email, and the first one had my name signed on it, and the second one didn't. I just wanted to give those who read my blog, the facts of this email. Too bad there is nothing we can do about it.
To All

Soooooo, I worked at Target tonight. That was an interesting venture, considering I broke my watch (I have some anger inssues with Burnout 3...) so I don't know what time it is unless I'm by a clock. So I was zoning at Target, and people were cleaning the floors with noisy things, so I couldn't hear the walkie talkies well, and apperently at 10, they told everyone could go home, and I'm working alone zoning greeting cards and that corner, when this happened, and so like at the person in charge is like "what are you still doing here" and I'm like "I don't know" and she was like "aren't you a minor" and Im like "yeah." and she's like "you gotta get outa here, you have to be out by ten" and so I got outa there, and realized everyone else had left and I was sad. That's my story.

Pretty much I would have to say that Ernie's sermon this morning was awsome. Would you katz agree? One of the best sermons I have heard, and I have heard a lot of good sermons, I tell ya. I think we all need a little reminder that, this is only a temporary life, and our home is up in heaven. I don't think there's much else to add to that, since Ernie explained it well.

And if you need me, I will be in my bed sleeping, or working at Target, or at home in front of this computer, or eating some food, ooooooooor (if you read my blog not very often), I'll be at school on Thurday :( It might be a sad face. But it might not be. I don't know. It's kinda a maybe situation. I don't know how well this year will be. Last year was good. I enjoyed last year, but then again, I didn't have a job. Oh well, I have first and fourth period off, which means I get to sleep in and have an extended lunch. So if you guys want to do lunch one day, give me a call on my cell phone. Please... i like eating lunch with people that don't go to my school.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sir Average Joe

So I was like, "Burnout 3! 20 bucks! Buy!" So I went down to Target and bought Burnout 3 for 20 bucks. And since then, I haven't spent much time away from it. I mean, there really isn't any reason you shouldn't buy this game, unless of course you don't have 20 bucks... or if you just hate car games because your dog got ran over by a car... yeah. Anyways, you can't beat the price for one of the best games of 2004. So for the past couple of weeks, I've been playing through Starcraft's campeign mode, and I finally beat it today. I mean I tried not using cheats this time through. Well, the power overwhelming cheat, and show me the money, cheats anyways. I used the whats mine is mine cheat and breathe deep cheats every now and then. I used power overwhelming a couple of times, but that was because my defense was destroyed, and I had to rebuild it, and they were still attacking me... I only did this like 8 times. And if you consider there is... about 69 missions, that's not so bad. And i turned the cheat off, when I was gonna go offensive on them. Anyhow, I beat it, and I realize how sweet the storyline is in that game, and has you guessing what Starcraft 2 is gonna be like. I mean your like, "I bet SC2 will have this" and what not. But SC2 isn't announced to come out yet, So I'll probably be 25... or something. I'm hungery so I'm gonna wrestle up some grub. Mmmmmmmm, grub.
Bored and kickin' it.

When I'm bored, I like to pick up my thing of bubbles, and blow some bubbles.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bulls Eye

So I applied at Target a while back, but they weren't hiring at the time. Now they are and last night, before my brother left, he went up to Cheryl, and asked her if she had looked at my app. She's like "What's his name? I didn't know he applied." And so today I got an interview, and they said I have the job, unless I've been doing drugs in my sleep without me knowing. I don't think that's likely. I have to go take a drug test tomorrow. :P Anyways, I'm also gonna be getting a website. My bro and I are gonna purchase and share webspace. So that's exciting. I don't know. I was thinking about blogging on the site. I dunno though. We'll see. So... I'm gonna go.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Is there intellegents?

currently listening to Thousad Foot Krutch: "The Art of Breaking"

Sooooooooo, I got home from work, and I ate a steak. Yum. Good. Then I called the person that Derek bought a air flo game controller for his computer, and I'm suppose to pick it up, because he's lazy and had to work. Right... I bet he is "working" right now... oh wait. He is. My bad. Te he he. Anyways, I called him, and I'm suppose to go over there in a half an hour and pick up the dang thing. Bah. Oh vell. Today was an alright day at work. I mean it was work. My church is working the Chuckwagon, and I would have been if I could have gotten it off. Bah. Oh well, I took out food to them. So I kinda worked for the Chuckwagon. I mean without me, they wouldn't have gotten food... or maybe my boss would have told someone else to do it if I didn't, but still. Te he he. So I got home from work last night, and I was gonna watch some TV, and I was channel surfing, when I saw a movie on the Sci Fi channel. It's called "The Forsaken" and that's a good movie. I like how they put the history of Vampires. That's grand. If you want a different spin on your vampire flicks, see this one. It's not your Dracula, but it's also not your Blade... it's different, it's its own. Anyways. I think that's all. I'm updating fairly often. Kinda makes me remember the good days, when I updated everyday, twice a day... now it seems i update like 3 times a month, but now I've been updating fairly often. Bye.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mr. Peanut is Empty on the Inside

Ya know. I've been working for the past two days... today and yesterday. Is that two days? I think so. Whateva. Yesterday, I felt crappy. Like I was physically at work, but my mind was somewhere... I don't know where, but it was somewhere. I don't remember taking a break, unless I really think about, then I remember reading the paper. It said something about a smoking ban, and this one place closed, to make a point... yeah it wasn't a good idea. Today he reopened it. Some People's kids. Then today I was watching the news, and they had a segment all about how trapelines are dangerous... right. Yeah they are, since apparently like 100,000 kid injuries are that. Or somelthign like that. But it was rediculous. I mean there are warnings on those things that say "NO more then 1 person at a time" and adult supervision and what not... it's just people dont follow them. Well think about it for a second. Smoking is dangerous, and people know that, but they still do it. So... they are worried about jumping on a trameline and not smoking... ok. How bout something that pertains more to the age group of the trampeline thing. How bout riding a bike? I mean kids get sent to the emergency room riding bike. I just deleted a buch of stuff, that I realized wasn't coherent. I didn't even follow. So moving on.

Like I said, yesterday was crappy, for some odd reason. Today was a lot better. I felt a lot better and was happy and such. I had to where a Mr. Peanut costume today. Yeah... about that. Well the costume needed a small fan to stay inflated. It was a heavy fan that was around my neck, and I also had to carry the costume around my neck. Kinda heavy. Not only that, but I had to look through the mouth, and the mouth was a little below my eyes. It was more at my mouth. I had to slouch. And between the slouching and the weight, an hour was not fun of being in that costume. I was still happy. Was in a carefree mood so yeah. Reason why I had to was because Nash Finch was judging all the stores for the circus sale theme thing, and our store manager wanted us to pepp our store up with a Mr. Peanut costume and since I am about 6 feet and somewhat slim...guess who had to where the costume. Me. The store is a freaking circus though. People were dressed like clowns, and if you don't where a clown costume, you had to where a little animal visor. I didnt have to. Not because I wore the peanut outfit, for an hour, but because they didnt have another fishy visor. He he. Sneaky. There's also freaking ribbons all over the place and paintings and circus stuff all over the store. Man. Maybe that was why I was in a carefree mood; I'm in a circus. Except I serve fish and sausage to people. Yeah. If you didn't know I work at Miracle Mart

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

10 years old, and kicking

So Blindside put out their new album, "The Great Depression" today. I haven't listened to it enough to give you an opinion of it. I think it'll grow on me, like most good albums do. What happens with all Blindside albums for me, is that I won't like it when I first listen to it a couple of times, but then it just grows on me, and then I'm like "This is awsome!" and yeah. Thousand Foot Krutch was like that too, when I first started listening to them. Now I just go out and buy their albums and they sound good to me right away. Speaking of TFK, I've listened to them enough to give you an opinion. That opinion is that they are Freaking Awsome with a capitol FA! Yeah! Best album, they've put out thus far. That's my opinion. Back to Blindside. So they are ten years old now. Which means they have regained the rights to their first two albums. Sooooo they are going to re release them, with bonus tracks and some new art. I haven't really listened to much of their old stuff, so I don't know if this is a good thing to me.

I also have something else to say... I forget. Let me think... I know it'll come to me. It had something to do with something. Hmm. Go out and buy Thousand Foot Krutch, "The Art of Breaking". Go now! That's not what I wanted to say, but this is. People need to stop putting out new albums. I'm not getting a chance to listen to my albums. Let's see, I've bought John Reuben, TFK, Blindside, within the last two months, and I'll be picking up Juliana Theory's album in September. Good gollie, miss mollie. This new CD player will help. I should have the CD player in my car by Saturday. Which means I can put in a CD, and whenever I stop the car, the CD player will stop and continue from where it left off when I turn on my car. See now I forget what song I stopped at so it takes longer for me to get through an album. I usually only go through a CD once, unless it's a new CD. If it's new, then I just go through it until I get the need to listen to a different CD. I don't think I'm being coherent anymore. Bye.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Well, they patched Diablo II, with patch V1.11. Do I care? Well I wasn't really excited, but I was curious what the patch, patched. It fixed some bugs, that didn't pertain to me, and a new feature, only is good for people who have a diablo 2 character who has beaten the game, on the realm servers. Well, it's been awhile since I've played diablo 2 online, and all my characters (who hadn't even beaten the normal difficulty) were expired. So the patch is worthless to me, although I wish the special features would be used on Single Player, because I have several players there who have beaten the game! I'm thinking, why would Blizzard do this? First I will tell you this special secret feature thing. See, if you kill certain monsters (the countess, summoner, and Nialthiac.. however you spell his name) you get a key for each one you kill. Now you have a 1/34 chance of getting the key from the monster. Well if you transmute those keys in the Cube, then it opens a portal, and you kill the boss there and you get another relic. Then if you kill the Prime Evils (Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal) you get a body part from them. You transmute them and opens a portal and then you kill the monster there and get another relic. I forget which one, but one of them the boss is a new boss, which is called Lilith, which is Andariels sister. Anyways, the other boss is just a clone of Mephisto, Diablo or Baal, it's random. Know one knows what's going to happen. Only one person that I know of, has beaten Lilith, but then again. the patch just came out today. I just want to kill Lilith, but I can't because Blizzard made it so you can only do all this on the Realm servers! Ok, now back to my original question: why would Blizzard do this, so I can't do this on Single Player? I mean how does it benefit them. I paid my money for the game, is free. They get no advantage out of this, and it is making a lot of people mad. I'm a customer that bought the game, and I should be able to play all of the game, without having to start all over. Character's exipre after 3 months. Doesn't mean I haven't played the game in 3 months. I've been playing single player getting those guys levels up. *sigh*. Oh well. I'm sure if they make another patch, they will make it so you can in Single Player... but who knows when that patch will come out. Life goes on. I'll go on. The world will go on. Diablo will go on. Blizzard will go on. WoW will go on. People love WoW. Crap, people love Starcraft. I think that's the longest running game. Starcraft. By the way, if any of this post doesn't make since, then don't worry, you'd have to have played Diablo 2 at some point in time to understand some of it. I'm gonna make myself a milkshake, and decide if I want to play Diablo 2 on the realms, or to play diablo 2 single player, or just look at the forums of blizzard and feel myself get more stupid every post I read. Bye.
List I stole from my brother

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?
don't really know. Maybe my hair... maybe.

2.How much cash do you have on you?
34 smackers

3.What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?

4.Favorite plant?
power plant

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?

6.What is your main ring tone on your phone?
A crappy one. I wish I had more ring tones.

7.What shirt are you wearing?
A shirt with a picture of texas in the corner and says"Luckenbach Texas 'back to the basics'". This is all in one corner of the shirt. The rest of the shirt is just dark blue.

8.Do you "label" yourself?
"label"? What the crap does that mean? like a nickname?

9.Name brand of your shoes currently wearing?
Currently, I have no shoes on. But if I were wearing shoes, I don't know what the brand is.

10.Bright or Dark Room?
dark at night, bright during the day. I like light during the day, and darkness at night.

11.What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
he's a brother.

12.Ever "spilled the beans"?
Sure. Once, this can of "Pork and beans" was sitting there, and I knocked it over... or I'm making that up.

13.What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was watching TV, and decided to go to bed.

14.Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?
Once in awhile. Just so I can shoot that freaking clown

15.What's a saying that you say a lot?
"Shut up" except it sounds funny the way I say it.

16.Who told you they loved you last?
My mommy... or maybe it was my grandma. I'm thinking grandma.

17.Last furry thing you touched?
Rascal, me puppy.

18.How many hours a week do you work?
usually, about 18 hours, but this week I have a lot more hours.

19.How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?

20.Favorite age you have been so far?

21.Your worst enemy?
I dont have one

22.what is your current desk top picture?
A Zerg compilation from Starcraft.

23.what was the last thing you said to someone?
I was probably mumbling about my missing socks, to my dad. I wasn't really talking to him, I was more mumbling to myself about how all my socks dissappeared.

24.If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to go back in time to fix all of your mistakes, which would you pick?
Money, because I learned from my mistakes.

25. Last text message?
Haven't ever text messaged anyone.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Fell in Love with the Game

So, now that John Reuben's and Thousand Foot Krutch's new albums are out, I have yet another list of anticipated albums. The next album to come out that I am anticipating is Blindside's "The Great Depression." I've just watched the music video for "Fell in Love with the Game" and the song is awsome. I was paying attention to the music more then the video. That comes out August 2, or just next week. I just today found out the release date. I haven't been to blindside's website in awhile. Cool stuff. Next album I'm anticipating is Juliana Theory's CD, Deadbeat Sweetheart. That comes out September 13. Exciting. It's been a long wait, and they have worked hard on this album. I feel they won't dissappoint me, or their other fans. The next album won't come out until next year, but I am anticipating it. No name for the album, yet, but it is by someone you know I like: Grits. Grits have been up to a lot of things. They toured Norway, they now have a clothing line and some other things. I was kinda disappointed with their last album...s... for it was two albums. Dichotomy A and B, weren't my favorite Grits albums. My favorite album my them is still "Art of Translation" and reminds me to order "Art of Transformation" their remix of the album. Toby Mac is also releasing another album... well a remix of his latest album, "Renovating the Diverse City." Am I anticipating this? Well... kinda sorta. I'll buy it, I just probably won't buy it the day it comes out. Why? I dunno. I already have the songs, it's just gonna be remixed... yeah. Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed because I have to work tomorrow. The sad part is that next week I have to work 4 days in a row and they are 9 to 6:30 days. Uhg. I have half hour breaks, but still. That's harsh, running around for 9 hours. I'm gonna go. Bye. Be good boys and girls and eat your vegetables.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Connect the Dot

Hey everybody. Soooooo, it's been awhile. Oh well. I suppose you probably didnt really notice. So let's just cut to the complaint department. It's not that bad of a complaint. Come one :P. Anyways, we were dogsitting this little doggy named Copper. He's a Dockson and he's two years old. Those dogs seem stuck up. In fact, they are kinda. This dog wasn't. Your first impression is that he was, but he's really not. See, Rascal loves to play, and we were thinking, "Man, Copper is gonna hate Rascal." So after having him for two hours, Rascal was chewing on his ears for that time and Copper just took it. After two hours, they started playing together. They weren't fighting, they were playing. After a couple weeks of having him, we gave up trying to make Copper shut up, because he likes to bark at nothing. When we let him outside, he literally barks at air. I figured out that he was trying to make any dogs within ear shot, bark. We no want this. If there is a dog within earshot, and the dog barks back, Copper will bark nonstop. I figured out a way to shut him up. First I take the hose, and squirt him with water... actually that's the whole plan. It works like a charm. Also, he will sit by the window, when he's inside, and if he sees any movement (neighbor walking to car, flying bird, etc) he will not hesitate to bark his freaking head off. He finally went home yesterday. I'm joyful, Rascal sad. See my mom and dad are out of town so he's really down, and now that his playmate is gone... well I love him a lot now days and play with him when I can. Moving on.

I purchase Thousand Foot Krutch's CD, "The art of Breaking" on Tuesday. I finally figured out that the Rainbowshop doesn't put out CDs on the shelves on their release date, even though they are on sale. This is the second CD I had to go up to the counter and ask for. If you remember the john Reuben CD. That wasn't a real sentence I just realized. It's suppose to be connected onto the previous sentence. Or maybe I could finish it off, like, "If you remember the John Reuben CD, I had to go up to the counter to get it, also." That sounds good. I haven't had time to listen to it that much. I've only go twice through it, and listened to it off and on. The only time I get a listen is when I'm driving around in my automobile, my baby beside me at the wheel... ok I don't have a baby... yeah. So far my favorite song is "Absolute." Moving on.

How 'bout that hailstorm on Thurday? We got a broken window. Luckily it's a double paned window, so only the outside pane got pain... get it. It's a pun. Tehehe. Yes some of Destroyer's habits got to me. Also My mirror shattered, on the driver's side. My car is already hailed out, so you don't even notice the new hail dents. For all I know, I didn't recieve any dents. If you didn't know, we recieved golf ball sized hail, with 60 mph winds. Yeah. I think everyone here knows that though. So like 10 minutes before the storm, I was playing some Starcraft on my computer, and then I look out my window... I don't know why I did, but I did, and I say trees blowing really hard... and then I relized that Copper and Rascal are outside, so I bring them in and ten minutes later it starts hailing like God is play golf, and Rascal crawls under my parents' bed and starts barking. What a brave chicken he is. He shows that storm who's boss... under the bed. Moving on.

So I just realized how fun it is to say Croquet. You know, the game where you hit balls, through little hoops, with mallets and try to get the ball to the stick sticking out of the ground. That croquet. I don't know why, but it's just a funny word. Your word for the day is "Croquet". Don't forget. Moving on

To lunch. Bye.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Typical American Dream

So I was thinking and I said to myself, "You are really pessimistic, Roy. You complain a lot." Then I got to thinking again and I said to myself, "Maybe you are, but you are optimistic, also." And I wondered what was in a Wonderball... or I wondered if this was truly possible. Can you be both? I don't know. All I know is that I complain a lot. I mean look at my last post. Me complaining about forums. Anyways, I've decided that I'm gonna try to not complain, as much. So what's new in my life? Well I noticed that Charles updated his blog, and then I said to myself, "Yep, that's Charles." and then I went on to the next blog. Also I went up to Wibaux for the Independence Day, or Fourth of July, or three days after Canada Day. It was alright. One of the better parades I've seen recently. They had a nice one, and they threw candy! I don't really like candy all that much, so it didn't matter to me. It was a pretty long parade, considering the size of the town. I think it went on for like 45 minutes, and wasn't really dull. Then I saw a talent show, and some acts were alright. Most songs sung were country, and they sang along with the CD, not to their own music. Some music was sung to their own music, on the piano, and those were good. Then there were comedy acts and stuffs like that. Anyways, there's more, but I feel like I'm boring you. I like to read fantasy books. Not Harry Potter. I just didn't like them. That's me though. My favorite fantasy writer would have to be R.A. Salvatore. Right now I'm reading the Demon Wars series. Kinda funny how I started reading the series. I read the 2nd book in the series, first, by accident. I was looking for a book to read one day, and stumbled upon it and started reading it. I got about 10 pages in when I realized that. I finished the book, and Salvatore is so good a writer is that I didn't really need to read the first book, to understand the 2nd. Now I'm reading the first book and am almost done with it. I feel saddened because the CHS library has the series, but I can't check out any books from them, after July 11, until the beginning of the school year. So I have to wait. I don't think that Public library had the series. Anyways, I'm probably boring you again. This morning I woke up at 3:30 am, by accident. I thought my alarm rung, and I got out of bed and made my way downstairs to take a shower. I thought it odd that no one else was awake, or that it was kinda dark, but I went anyways. When I was in the shower I was like, "I'm gonna have to take a nap, after summer school today. I'm tired." I was hearing sounds, so I assumed my parents had gotten up. So I went upstairs, and my mom was like, "What are you doing up?" and I'm like "I don't know. Why?" and she's like "it's 3:30 in the morning." and I'm like "Oh! I'm going to bed, goodnight." and so i went to bed and looked at my clock and sure enought it was 3:30. I didn't need to take a nap today.

I also thought I lost my cat, today. My mom was leaving and she's like "I haven't seen the cat lately, and i've been letting her inside and outside all morning. You may want to check outside for her." and so my mom left. So I checked my brother's room, and under his bed. Nothing. I checked all downstairs. Nothing. I checked upstairs, under the beds. Nothing. I checked outside, and nothing. There's no way she would be able to get out of our backyard, for we Rascal proofed it. And she's to fat to jump over the fence. So I start to panic. And so I checked downstairs again, and my brother's room, and under his bed. Nothing. Then I'm like "Hmm... I wonder if she is on this side" for his under his bed, is like a tunnel, like a T. I checked to top of the T, and there she was. Looking fat and I gave a hug and told her how much I love and and how she shouldn't do that to me again... or I didn't, but I did pet her.

Night all.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bands shouldn't have forums

So I've decided bands shouldn't have forums. And here's a list of why I think that:

  1. Some people are morons! Ok now I'm being a moron because whenever people don't give respect to other people on forums, I call them a moron. yeah. It has to be said though. That actually sums in up, but I guess here's why they are morons:
  2. A forum is for "discussion" (, not for "arguments". People argue, which makes them go off topic, and then they sounds like morons, which leads to bad spelling, such as "u" or "y?" or "w00t" or something stupid like that.
  3. people go off topic. Mean when the topic is "Should bandA tour with this bandB?" and then poeple start dissing bandB and then you have people arguing about how good/bad bandB is, and sometimes you get a person that disses bandA(it's bandsA forum) and people start arguing with that one guy, and then they people start looking like morons.
  4. People who post on the forum, should actually listen to the band, and like it. And it sounds silly, but there are people out there like that. In fact, there's a person that goes to christian bands' forums, and posts on how sucky christian bands are. A good example is on TFKs board, there is a person that admitted he does that, and he wrote an article about it. Why? I don't know. Because he has no life? No. Now I'm sounding like a moron by saying that. I'm sorry. I guess it could be a she. It might be a he though. I don't know. I'm done. Oh by the way, he has posted so many times that his rank is "TFK super fan" or something like that.
I guess I summed it up. So i guess I'll sum it up smaller: arguments, off topic, misspelling (u, y?), people don't listen to the band, post... a lot, Moderators don't enforce the rules... in fact they break them. I forgot to put that one up there. Thousand Foot Krutch's forum has to be the worst forum, ever. I don't know why I read it. I don't post, because people are just gonna argue with my opinion, because that's what they do best. No one is safe, except the person that posts the topic, and doesn't reply to anyone else. Why? Becaue people go off the topic. Unless of course you post a topic called "What book are you reading." Then you don't. You're safe with that topic. Just that the fact that it has nothing to do with the band. I don't know why I even read forum; I just get mad at how stupid people are. I mean, for the Christians that post on them, they shouldn't argue back with nonchristians, because it makes them hate christians. Take a look at that one dude I was talking about that posts on christian forums and writes bad articles on christian music, and how he hates the genre. One thing is that he hates the people on the forum.

So in conclusion, I hate band forums. Good day, and I hope I don't come out of this going to jail for complaining too much.